The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Austenasia voted most influential MicroWiki nation

The Empire of Austenasia was voted the most influential nation in the MicroWiki Community in the latest of a series of regular surveys released yesterday evening.

The first MicroWiki Influence Survey took place on 4 October 2010 and disregarding a 5 month-long hiatus last year the surveys have taken place every month or two months since – yesterday’s was the Twelth. Users of the website are asked to submit a list of 25 micronations in the community in order of their percieved influence, with the nations given points accordingly. Halfway through the voting period, a Midway Table is released showing the scores so far, and a Final Table is released a few days afterwards with the official scores.

Austenasia came first with 279 points, only just beating the Free State of Renasia (278 points) and the Federal Republic of St.Charlie (276). This was a very close race for first place – the micronation in fourth place had 240 points.

Nemkhav leader Marka Mejakhansk said that he doesn’t “see Austenasia getting lopped off the top point any time soon”, and St.Charlian diplomat Lucas Campos stated that “Austenasia should be in the top for a long time now”. However, Francillian politician Sebastian Linden expressed surprise that the Empire came first, and that in his opinion the top place should have gone to Renasia. HIH Crown Prince Jonathan described the Influence Survey as “just a popularity contest”, but still expressed happiness at the Empire being voted into the prestigious first place.

The State of Sandus came 6th (207), the Community of Landashir and Kingdom of Juclandia came joint 7th (190), the Technological Federation of Erephisia came 9th (164), the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis came 12th (135), the Kingdom of Überstadt came 16th (97), the Federal Republic of Francisville came 18th (83), and the United Kingdom of New Wessex came 21st (49).

This is the first time that the Empire has reached first place. Austenasia reached the top spot on the Midway Table of the Eleventh Survey in September, but lost out to St.Charlie in the Final Table – likewise, the Empire came second to St.Charlie in July’s Tenth Survey. Austenasia has consistently been voted as being in the top four most influential nations on MicroWiki since the Sixth Survey in December 2011.

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