HIH Crown Prince Jonathan, Viceroy of the nearby Wessaxon constituent country of Orly, came across the carcass of a dead turkey as he made his weekly inspection of the nation earlier today.
The turkey – headless, plucked, and with the innards removed – had been left on the ground in Wisdom, an area in the Grove region of Orly. After helping a dog walker stop their dog from trying to eat the bird, the Viceroy took a closer look at the carcass before depositing it in a nearby rubbish bin.
The bird, although missing most of its meat, showed no sign of decay or rot. Judging by the incident which had just taken place and the many dogs walked in Orly, it had probably not been there for more than a day due to still being mostly in one piece – a leg of the bird was found a few feet away. The state of the carcass made it seem likely that it had been prepared for somebody’s Christmas dinner before, for some inexplicable reason, being left in the Grove. It was unclear if the turkey had been cooked or not.
What made this find somewhat more significant than it would otherwise have been was that the turkey was discovered almost exactly on the former spot of the Wisdom Tree, a young ash tree which gave the surrounding area its name and had been uprooted in 2010. The Wisdom Tree was used as a central meeting point for the social group that would become the Orlian nation, with its loss being angrily mourned.
Continuing on his patrol of Orly, the Viceroy came across some flower stalks attached to a tree in Memphis, capital of the Grove, with adhesive tape. Memphis became the main meeting place for Orlians after the loss of the Wisdom Tree, with the flower stalks found attached to a tree within a few yards of a large stone used as the throne of the Grovian monarch between 2010 and 2012.
Any significance to or meaning behind these two objects being found placed at the two most important cultural sites of the Grove is yet to be determined. A brief inspection of the Secluded Place, capital of the other Orlian region Copan, found nothing out of the ordinary.
A clue to the origin of the flower stalks was found in a fallen tree near the border with Copan. Said tree was felled at some point after 22 December, the date of the most recent visit by the Viceroy, probably by recent heavy winds. A bunch of flowers was found in the branches of the fallen tree – whether the flower stalks came from here, and if so why, is unknown.
No meaning has been found for the turkey and flowers, and it is unknown if they are even connected, although two such out of place objects being found at two such culturally significant sites on the same date is unlikely to be a coincidence. A follow-up visit to Orly has been planned for some point over the next few days to see if any more anomalous objects appear.