His Imperial Majesty the Emperor has approved three applicant Representatives as Candidates for Prime Minister.

Emperor Jonathan I made the announcement this morning on the Facebook group for Austenasia and in several Skype chatrooms used by various politicians and diplomats from around the community of small nations.
HIH Countess Eritoshi of Memphis (Acting Representative of Thanasia), Lord Marshal William of Zephyria, and Lord John Gordon of Palasia have all been approved by the Emperor as Candidates. Under Austenasian law, any Representative or Acting Representative can apply to stand for Prime Minister, but must be approved by the Monarch to do so.
A recent poll on the Facebook group “MicroGroup” revealed Countess Eritoshi as the clear favourite to win amongst foreign observers in the MicroWiki community, but it is unlikely that domestic votes will be so one-sided. It is expected for each candidate to secure the votes from their Towns – two from Thanasia for Countess Eritoshi, three from Zephyria for Lord Marshal William, and three from Palasia for Lord John – but it is not known how the three voters of Wrythe or the four non-residential subjects eligible to take part will cast their votes.
The election will take place on 18 November, alongside a Local Election for Representatives. Even if the winner of the General Election loses their seat as a Representative in the Local Election, they will remain Prime Minister, as was the case with the now Emperor in the December 2011 elections.