The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Theodorist Party disbanded as Spring begins in Austenasia

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I earlier today passed an Imperial Decree disbanding the Theodorist Party of Austenasia (TPA) and abolishing the system of formally registered political parties.

The logo of the now-disbanded Theodorist Party of Austenasia (TPA).

Although political parties can still be formed as informal voluntary associations, the decree reflects on the fact that “partisan politics is not to the liking of the Austenasian people” – all but two of the twenty three members of the TPA were foreigners.

This sees the Emperor distancing himself from Theodorism, a model he published in January 2012 (while still Crown Prince) for a theoretical social order combining elements of socialism and monarchy.

The decree states that “the imposition of a new social order is… [not] necessary within the Empire… [and] the formal implementation of Theodorism within Austenasia would do little more than prevent any necessary future adaptions that Austenasian society may have to make.” It also claims that the core tenets of Theodorism are already de facto in place in the populated areas of the Empire, with those who can work doing so and providing for those who cannot.

A modified version of Theodorism was successfully adopted by Überstadt last year; the decree passed by Jonathan I specifically states that it is in no way a suggestion or endorsement “that they should cease to follow that model”. Likewise, an autonomous branch of the TPA functioning in Monovia will not be affected by the dissolution.

The decree also announces the start of Spring 2014 tomorrow (21 February) in the Austenasian calendar.

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