The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Compromise reached over New South Scotland; peace restored

A satellite view of New South Scotland.

A compromise has been reached between His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and Queen Astrid of Zealandia in regards to the crisis over New South Scotland.

The escalation over the Austenasian Crown Dependency, which began yesterday afternoon BST, has come to an end with the restoration of diplomatic relations between the Empire and Zealandia.

After discussion between the Emperor and the Queen (which had been encouraged by Lord John Gordon of Palasia, Sir James Puchowski of Landashir, and several others), it was realised that both leaders had made misinterpretations and mistakes, with difficulties in communication arising from the medium of Skype messages and the differences in time zones.

Zealandia’s brief claim to have annexed New South Scotland has been withdrawn, and Queen Astrid – also known as Anna Lindstrom – has been reinstated as Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland.

The Emperor has passed an Imperial Edict making the position of Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland belong ex officio to the Zealandian head of state, and relinquished “any claim to anything more than de jure sovereignty” over the crown dependency, giving permission for it to be run under Zealandian administration.

Under this compromise, New South Scotland will be for all intents and purposes run as if it were a part of Zealandia, but remain a nominal part of the Empire. The Imperial Edict passed by the Emperor can be read here.

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