Lady Evren Filgert, Representative of Porthbokon, yesterday met with Sir James von Puchow – Deputy Chief Ambassador and de facto leader of Landashir – and members of his family in the Cornish town of Falmouth.
Filgert and von Puchow both met in the Main Street of the coastal town of Falmouth and visited a few antiques and second hand book shops before getting some drinks and discussing topics including the new Landashir website and plans for a new Austenasian Foreign Affairs office in Edinburgh.
They then decided to visit the nearby Prince of Wales Pier to admire the views of the harbour, chancing upon von Puchow’s parents and sister as well. Filgert thereby met with four fifths of the Landashir’n population.
Von Puchow has been on holiday in Cornwall with his family since the start of the week.