The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Local election results announced

Local elections were held yesterday, with the results as expected by many.

All Towns have elected or re-elected the sole candidate standing for election. Shineshore is the only Town to have not yet announced their results, but it is assumed that as elsewhere the only candidate – in this case Lord Centurion Alastair – has been elected Representative.

All elections had the option to abstain – if this got more votes than the candidate running for election, the respective Town Council would have had the authority to take over from the Representative.

Several of the candidates had only been Acting Representatives, having been appointed as such by Parliament upon their Town joining Austenasia but not until now elected. As all members of the House of Representatives are now fully elected Representatives, it is expected for changes in the composition of Cabinet to be announced in the following days.

UPDATE 17 OCTOBER 15:29: Lord Centurion Alastair was elected in Shineshore.

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