His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, Countess Eritoshi, and Lady Evren Filgert met in Putney this afternoon for lunch, later joined by the Reylan Emperor Taeglan I, although by this point the Countess had had to leave.
Emperor Jonathan I and Prime Minister Countess Eritoshi met Evren Filgert of Porthbokon at a Putney tube station before walking to a nearby restaurant for lunch in celebration of the Emperor’s birthday, which took place yesterday.
After eating, the Countess had to depart, and the Emperor and Lady Evren explored the town before meeting Taeglan I Nihilus, Reylan Emperor.
This was the first time that the two western Emperors have met since the coronation of Jonathan I. Along with Lady Evren, they went to a coffee shop to buy drinks, and the three spent time talking about various matters.
All four individuals who met today study in Greater London, and the idea of future similar informal meetings met with approval.