The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Imperial Family celebrates Christmas 2014

The Imperial Family at the Boxall residence on Boxing Day. Left to right: Emperor Father Terry, Emperor Jonathan I, Emperor Grandmother Joyce, Crown Princess Caroline, and Emperor Mother Margaret.

Christmas has been celebrated by the extended Austenasian Imperial Family over the past few days.

Christmas Day (Thursday 25th) begun with the immediate Imperial Family opening presents in Parliament Hall. The Emperor Father then went to visit an elderly friend for the morning while the rest of the family attended the Christmas morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church with Emperor Grandmother Joyce, the Boxall family (the relatives of Emperor Mother Margaret) and the population of Zephyria.

The Imperial Family and Boxalls then had Christmas lunch at the Imperial Residence, followed by opening presents and playing parlour games. Christmas Day ended with a light supper.

Emperor Jonathan I released his second Christmas broadcast on YouTube. This broadcast reflected on the events of 2014 and on the concept of family, and can be heard here.

On Boxing Day (Thursday 26th), the Boxalls hosted the Imperial Family for the afternoon and evening.

The Austenasian Times hopes all its readers have had a Merry Christmas, and wishes you all a happy 2015.


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