At 18:38 GMT this evening, HIM Emperor Jonathan I broke the record of his predecessor to become the Empire’s longest reigning Monarch.
Jonathan I ascended to the Throne on 20 January 2013 after the abdication of Declan I. The precise record to beat was 763 days, 1 hour, 11 minutes and 30 seconds.
Each of Austenasia’s four Monarchs (except, of course, founding Emperor Terry I) have had a longer reign than their predecessor:
- Jonathan I: 20 January 2013 – present; 763 days and counting.
- Declan I: 19 December 2010 – 20 January 2013; 763 days
- Esmond III: 16 February 2010 – 20 September 2011; 580 days
- Terry I: 20 September 2008 – 16 February 2010; 414 days