The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Emperor’s address five years since the end of the Austenasian Civil War

Today is five years since the Austenasian Civil War officially ended on 24 May 2010, when the final signature was affixed to the Treaty of Ruskin Road. This evening, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor gave the following address to Parliament, marking the occasion:

Noble and esteemed Representatives,

It is five years since the Austenasian Civil War came to an end, with our predecessor Esmond III affixing his signature to the Treaty of Ruskin Road. Since then, apart from the brief orchestrated war with Orly later that year, the Empire has seen no military conflict. This can only be a good thing, especially when one takes into account the attitudes prevalent among our diplomatic community at the current time.

On Wednesday last, His Imperial Highness the Prime Minister upgraded Austenasia’s DEFCON status from 3 to 4. Since June last year, it had been set at 3 in response to the tensions with Zealandia over New South Scotland. Despite Zealandia’s flagrant violations of international laws and customs during that time, we decided to respond not with the might of our armed forces but with diplomacy. Even when foreign troops briefly occupied our crown dependency, we were steadfast in our determination to act with mercy rather than vengeance. Our unwavering desire for a peaceful resolution resulted in a compromise being adopted, which was confirmed by the signing of a treaty at the start of the month. Diplomacy and negotiation triumphed over aggression and sabre-rattling, and an accomodation acceptable to all was reached without the need for conflict.

However, our desire to avoid war should not be interpreted as outright pacifism. While we shall turn the other cheek to aggression and attempt to obtain a pacific solution wherever possible, we shall never shirk from defending the Empire’s population and territory. Our Imperial Majesty is not only a descendant of many mighty warriors, but has not ever commanded the losing side in any of the many battles we have fought. With the recent re-establishment of the Imperial Navy, the Empire’s military is more numerous and well-organised than ever before, and we are confident in its ability to defend Austenasia with ease against any plausible threat to its territorial integrity or to the safety and well-being of its people.

Despite the great strength of the Empire’s armed forces, however, we sincerely hope that we never have to see them used. Warfare is the very crudest method of solving disputes, and while we shall always defend our Empire, we shall always seek to avoid the circumstances in which such would be necessary. We take this opportunity to implore you all in your interactions with foreign politicians and diplomats to always keep our words in mind. Austenasia has one of the largest and strongest militaries in the history of small nations, but respect for the Empire is a far greater and nobler defence than fear of its arms.

As stated on the famous Peace Pole in Molossia: “May Peace Prevail On Earth”.

Wrythe, 24 May 2015

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