For much of 2009, the Grand Unified Micronational could have reasonably been described as the United Nations of the MicroWiki community. Earlier today, almost six and a half years after its foundation, the GUM as an international organisation came to an end.

The GUM has been through two major reforms in the past – one in February 2012 and another in February 2014 – but today’s reform has seen most of its structures completely disestablished.
After several months of declining activity, a consensus was reached by the member states of the GUM that there was no longer a need for a UN-style organisation in today’s MicroWiki community. Instead, the GUM has been transitioned into what could be described as a Skype-based private members club, with national delegates retained as members and the Chairman – Adam Belcher, who oversaw the transition – remaining as administrator.
Membership of the GUM is now no longer for delegations representing small nations, but rather for politicians and diplomats acting in a personal capacity.
The Empire of Austenasia had formerly been a member state of the GUM since October 2009.
Emperor Jonathan I, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, and Prince Andrew I (governor of Corinium Terentium) are included in the members of the new GUM.