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Treaty signed with Westarctica

The signature page of the treaty between Austenasia and Westarctica.

 A treaty of mutual recognition and national co-operation was signed yesterday by Emperor Jonathan I with Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica.

The Grand Duchy of Westarctica was founded in 2001, and claims a large part of western Antarctica, which was previously unclaimed by any state or nation.

Austenasia previously recognised Westarctica between 2009 and 2010, but withdrew recognition after the temporary collapse of the Westarctican government. Since then, however, Westarctica has been restored to activity by its founder, and in February 2015 gained non-consultative status with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

The Empire resumed recognition of Westarctica earlier this week, upon which negotiations for the treaty immediately begun. A signed copy of the treaty has been deposited in the Imperial Library.


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