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Military reform act passed

The newly adopted flags of the (top-bottom) Austenasian Army, Imperial Navy, and Imperial Air Force.

Emperor Jonathan I yesterday gave Imperial Consent to the Armed Forces Act 2015.

The Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy – the author of the legislation – released a statement briefly describing the main points of the Act:

The Armed Forces Act 2015 has codified the rank structure of the Armed Forces in a code similar to that used by the United States Armed Forces, has completely reformed the ranks of the Imperial Air Force, and has established the Joint Administrative Chiefs for the overall administration of the Armed Forces during peacetime.”

The Austenasian Armed Forces (AAF) are comprised of the Austenasian Army, the Imperial Navy, and the Imperial Air Force (IAF). The new legislation also adopted flags for the three branches of the AAF.

The Austenasian Army currently has 27 personnel, the Imperial Navy has 18, and the Imperial Air Force has 6.

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