An Act of Parliament was passed yesterday morning which saw two new Crown Dependencies join Austenasia.
The first, Imperia, consists of a residential property bordering India. Imperia’s five residents – one of whom, Ketan Uzagi, has been appointed its Governing Commissioner – have raised the Austenasian population to eighty six people.
With the annexation of Imperia, Austenasia now has land on every continent of the world except for Antarctica.
The second Crown Dependency to have joined the Empire yesterday was Esmondia, named after the former Emperor Esmond III. This new addition is bordered by Argentina, and administered by Tarek Kârjasary.
In December last year, Kârjasary established the Crown Dependency of Achem, but in August moved from his former home to Argentina, making government of Achem impossible. Esmondia has therefore been founded to replace it, with Achem dissolved yesterday.