The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Christmas 2015 celebrated in Austenasia

The Christmas trees in (left to right) Terentia Town Hall, the Imperial Residence, and New Richmond Town Hall.

The past few days have seen Christmas celebrated across the Empire.

On Christmas Day, Friday 25th, the populations of Wrythe and Zephyria attended a morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church. The Imperial Family then had Christmas dinner at the residence of the Boxalls (the maternal relatives of the Emperor).

On Boxing Day, Saturday 26th, roles were reversed with the Boxall family being hosted at the Imperial Residence by the Imperial Family. Also joining them was Princess Consort Hannah, the Emperor’s unmarried partner.

Emperor Jonathan I published his third annual Christmas broadcast on YouTube on Christmas Day, which can be heard here. In the speech, he reflected on the events of 2015 and on the meaning behind celebrations and anniversaries.

Furthermore, Pontifex Maximus Alexander III (also known as Bradley of Dullahan) published a Christmas encyclical, which can be read here.

The Austenasian Times wishes all its readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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