Emperor Jonathan I has founded the Order of Saint Constantine as a specifically Christian order of chivalry for Austenasia.
Members of the Order must be baptised Christians. Also – uniquely for Austenasian orders of chivalry – the Order is to function as a philanthropic organisation, raising money for various charities.
A meeting of the Order, which has started off with ten founding members, will take place at some point in July or August in order to discuss the means and decide the recipients of their fundraising.
The date of the Order’s foundation is of some significance. May 21st is the feast day of Emperor Constantine the Great and his mother Helen, who Christians venerate as saints.
Ss Constantine and Helen have been named the patron saints of the new Order. They are also the patron saints of the church attended by the Emperor, to which he went this morning to attend a service celebrating the feast day.
The new Order ranks below the Glorious Order of St. John and above the Order of the Bullmastiff.