The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Independence Day celebrated!

The Austenasian Star, national flag of the Empire.

The Empire of Austenasia today celebrates eight years since its foundation in 2008.

Although the actual anniversary of the Declaration of Independence is on the 20th, Independence Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of September.

As is customary, an honours list has been published by the Emperor, the recipients of which are listed here.

Furthermore, Emperor Jonathan I has released a statement for the occasion, which can be read below:


To all Austenasians, in the Empire or abroad, our greetings!

As we sit writing this in the Imperial Residence, we remember how the Saturday eight years ago when the Declaration of Independence was sent was bright and sunny; in contrast, today is dark and overcast. It reminds us that the world has become a darker place in the years since 2008, with enemies of peace and proponents of barbarism growing in strength each day.

If the world becomes darker, we must not let that darkness overshadow us, but rather shine all the more brighter. When our predecessor Constantius Chlorus freed Britain from the rule of an usurping tyrant, he was hailed as “restorer of the eternal light of Rome.” Just as Rome was considered then, let Austenasia be considered now a shining beacon in the world to inspire others, whether that be through the Order of Saint Constantine raising money for the poor and unwell, the Imperial Geographical Society exploring and researching the national world, or simply through ordinary Austenasians striving to be the best that they can be. To all Austenasians with a title of nobility or a knighthood, act not with hubris or pride, but with the honour and virtue that your title demands of you.

On this Independence Day, let us come together and reflect on the meaning that can be given to it. Declaring independence is more than claiming sovereignty over territory; it is about saying “No; we can do things differently, and we can do things better.” As we look at the world around us, let that be the guiding philosophy of our nation.

We wish you all a happy Independence Day. God bless you, and long live the Empire!

ICJA, Wrythe, 17 September 2016

The Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, will also release a statement later today.


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