Emperor Jonathan I and Prime Minister Lord Admiral Kennedy yesterday announced the cutting of all diplomatic relations with Delvera after it was discovered that a member of Delveran government had attempted to provoke a coup in Austenasia.
Relations between the Empire and Delvera have been strained for the past month following the reaction of the Delveran government to Jonathan I withdrawing from an online discussion group several weeks ago.
It was yesterday announced that Jordan Brizendine, Delveran Minister of the Interior, had approached Iron Lord Daniel Dankovsky, Director-General of the State Intelligence Agency, and suggested he seek to have Emperor Jonathan I replaced with another member of the Line of Succession.
This suggestion was of course refused and reported to the Emperor, who confronted Dylan Callahan, leader of Delvera, with the information. Callahan responded that the incident was an example of “trolling,” attempting to downplay the seriousness of the situation.
As stated in the joint statement issued by the Emperor and Prime Minister yesterday evening, “whether the proposal was genuine or not, it shows Delvera to be at best unable to control the interactions of its members of government with foreign officials and at worst actively seeking to overthrow the legitimate Austenasian Monarch.”
This decisions brings to an end the recent tensions between the Empire and Delvera, as all communications directly from the latter will now simply be ignored.