An Act of Parliament was passed earlier today authorising land to be claimed on which to restore the former kingdom of Rushymia.
Rushymia was an entity existing under British sovereignty between 1995 and 2000 in the primary school attended by the now Emperor Jonathan I and Crown Princess Caroline.
The last of the kings to have ruled Rushymia abdicated without a successor. He left the right to his title to whoever could first retrieve a plastic bottle he placed high up a fence, a feat only achieved by Emperor Esmond III in October 2010.
The title King of Rushymia has been held ever since by the Austenasian Monarch, but in an entirely ceremonial capacity.
This Act of Parliament has authorised Rushymia to be re-established as a territorial entity, this time under Austenasian sovereignty.
No options have yet been announced as to possible locations for the Crown Dependency-to-be.