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Joint statement released for first Carshalton Day

A view of central Carshalton

Emperor Jonathan I has, along with Queen Emma I of Copan, published a statement pledging to revitalise the political and cultural life of the Carshalton Nations.

This declaration comes on the fifth anniversary of the Liberation of Orly, when the nation freed itself from foreign rule.

Earlier this month, Parliament declared 24 June to be eligible for adoption by local authorities as the public holiday of Carshalton Day, to commemorate the anniversary of the Liberation as well as to celebrate the shared history and culture of the Carshalton Nations.

The Carshalton Nations are the small nations based in and around Carshalton, and are generally taken to consist of Austenasia, the Grove, Copan, the Midget Nation, and – historically speaking – Rushymia. The Principality of Wildflower Meadows is sometimes also included due to its close connection to Austenasia and its claims to lands (Wandleside and Forestedge) which are very close to, but not actually in, Carshalton.

The declaration released earlier today was more a reflection on the past and a pledge of intent rather than a concrete plan or manifesto, but the Emperor has revealed to the Austenasian Times that a recruitment drive is planned for the two Orlian nations, as well as for the upcoming rebirth of Rushymia.

The declaration can be read in full below:

Five years ago today, the nation of Orly was liberated from the yoke of Wilcsland in events which have gone down in history. That day was one of genuine solidarity between the small nations of Carshalton against the threat of external subjugation. At the time, one may have believed it to be the start of a golden age, free of foreign interference, with the small nations of Carshalton flourishing in peace under the protection of Austenasia. Alas, such was not to be. While the past five years in Carshalton have indeed been peaceful, they have also been increasingly stagnant both politically and culturally. Austenasia has grown exponentially across the world, but in its place of origin it has shrunk with the cessions of Zephyria and Thanasia. As for Orly, a nation which upon foundation based its identity on the concept of students meeting after school will inevitably experience the demographic process of its population maturing, and – with careers, children and university – being unable to meet as frequently as they once did.

Today is the first time that Carshalton Day has been officially celebrated. Looking towards the future, we pledge to have Carshalton and the local area be witness to a flourishing of activity as we undertake plans to breathe new life into the local nations.

Five years ago saw Carshalton shake off outsider rule. Today shall be the day when its nations shook off the yoke of stagnancy and inactivity. The Carshalton Nations bear witness to a cultural heritage of over two decades, and we shall together ensure that these nations not only survive, but prosper.

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