The Crown Dependency of New South Scotland marked a new era in its history today, following the promulgation of a separate territorial constitution by Emperor Jonathan I.
According to the Crown Dependency’s Governing Commissioner, The Rt Hon. Sir Hugh McFarlane KCA, the creation of a sophisticated system of local governance represents a fundamental shift in the Australasian territory towards a more active form of territorial community.
New South Scotland’s history dates back to late 2012 when it was first established as a colony of the now-defunct United Kingdom of New Wessex. The territory remained under Wessaxon administration for several months until it was ceded to Austenasia as the Empire’s first Crown Dependency, following the abdication of the Wessaxon Declan I and the ascension of Jonathan I to the imperial throne.
Responsibility for the budding territory was placed in the hands of its first Governing Commissioner, the now Charlotte Lindstrom, who also served as monarch of the nearby Kingdom of Zealandia.
Over the following four years, political turbulence within Zealandia saw the Kingdom repeatedly interfere in the Crown Dependency’s affairs, with members of the Zealandian militarily having allegedly sought to annex the territory and Governing Commissioner Lindstrom herself deliberately misinforming the Austenasian Government before occupying the land with Zealandian troops.
The subsequent international condemnation of Zealandia saw Lindstrom agree to a compromise, wherein New South Scotland would function as a joint Austenasian-Zealandian condominium under Austenasian sovereignty and Zealandian administration. This arrangement only came to an end with the peaceful withdrawal of Zealandian administrators and the appointment of McFarlane to the role of Governing Commissioner in September of 2016.
According to Governing Commissioner McFarlane, “New South Scotland has throughout its history made great contributions to activity within the micronational community, but its status as a sparsely populated territory has meant that as a political entity itself, it has ironically remained extremely inactive”.
Governing Commissioner McFarlane hopes that with the promulgation of a territorial constitution, the status quo may begin to change.
“The beauty of New South Scotland is that there is no expectation for it to emerge as one of the beating hearts of the micronational community. It has survived for years as a territorial entity on the fringes of the Empire with limited internal activity, meaning that unlike a national entity, it won’t disappear if it falls into inactivity.”
“My intention as Governing Commissioner is to take this unique territory, with its long history and modest expectations, and to forge a special community within the broader micronational space. Citizens who participate in other micronations do not have to make New South Scotland their number one priority. They can come as they please and contribute what they’d like. People can invest as much or as little as they want into this effort, and together we can enjoy the resulting community.”
Under the new constitution, the Crown Dependency will possess its own Legislative Assembly, judicial system and electoral process. According to Governing Commissioner McFarlane, this is designed to allow for maximum political participation, which it is hoped will then spawn other aspects of community, including frequent conversation, organised debates, contests, gaming sessions and cultural projects.
“It’s best to think of the constitution like the roots of a tree. From these roots will hopefully sprout an active political system and a community that is engaged on more than just a political level.”
Non-residential citizenship of the Crown Dependency – which does not grant Austenasian subjectship – is open to people of any nationality. Those interested in applying may do so via this site. Interested individuals may also explore the territory’s new website and its Discord server.