A joint statement from His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I and Prime Minister Lord John Gordon, Viscount of Thetford on recent events:
“There is only one race, the human race, of which each and every one of us is a member of equal value and worth. Austenasia rejects all efforts to foster division, hatred and discrimination on the basis of skin colour, and condemns all forms of racism in the strongest possible terms. Austenasia stands with those campaigning for racial justice and equality, and condemns those who would taint this movement with violence, or who aim to infiltrate or appropriate it for different political goals. The world has come a long way in the pursuit of racial justice since the evil that was the trans-Atlantic slave trade was abolished. However, despite the progress in the laws of nations, racism still exists, and there is much that still must be done in regards to removing prejudice and hatred from the hearts and minds of people across the world. We must all aim to do our part in the ongoing struggle towards true equality, however small that individual part may be.”