Saturday 1st August saw the Kingdom of Gradonia cede two areas of land to the Empire of Austenasia.

Gradonia is ruled by King William I, who serves as Deputy Prime Minister in Austenasia, where he prefers to be known by his title Lord William Wilson, Count of Oribrazos. Austenasia and Gradonia have held strong friendly relations since June last year.
The first land claim, Campo de Jonatán, is a house inhabited by Wilson’s father – who has now become an Austenasian subject – and recently moved into by Wilson himself.
Campo de Jonatán has been annexed as a March of Wilson’s hometown of Nahona, of which he serves as Representative.
The second land claim, Jackson, is composed of uninhabited land situated in front of the home of Wilson’s uncle. The land contains a fallout/tornado shelter, which previously served as the Gradonian military installation Fort McLaughlin.
Wilson has been appointed Governor of Jackson and Margrave of Campo de Jonatán.