Tuesday 27th October saw the Crown Dependency of Pontunia founded with the annexation of a large number of properties from the outskirts of New Orleans.

Pontunia was founded in January 2020, and has existed as a self-governing community since then under the leadership of its duke, Andrew I.
Dozens of relatives and family friends joined Pontunia, claiming their houses for the duchy, which also claimed two local parks frequented by its citizens.
The idea of coming under Austenasia’s sphere of influence grew in popularity in Pontunia, until Andrew I contacted the Austenasian government earlier this month with a request to join the Empire as an autonomous Crown Dependency.
This new annexation has broken several records.
For one, it is the largest boost to the Austenasian population in history, with twenty three new residents. The has increased the Austenasian population to a record high of 109.
As well as becoming the local-level administrative division with the largest population in Austenasian history (the previous record held by New Richmond at 20), Pontunia is also comprised of the greatest number of non-contiguous areas of land, with fifteen separate land claims (thirteen houses and two parks).
As a Crown Dependency, Pontunia now falls under Austenasian sovereignty, but is autonomous from Parliament and Cabinet in regard to domestic affairs, in which absolute power is held by the Emperor and exercised by his governing commissioner (in this case Duke Andrew I).
For domestic administration, the Duke has chosen to retain the system of government held by Pontunia prior to its annexation.