Aggelos I, founder of Imvrassia, has been appointed joint Emperor of Imvrassia by his daughter, Empress Aikaterini, replacing her grandfather Stamatios I.
Stamatios I had reigned as joint Emperor of Imvrassia in a primarily ceremonial capacity since November last year, but on Christmas Eve his granddaughter honorably revoked his position as reigning co-monarch and downgraded him to the title of Symbasileus, a “junior co-emperor” roughly equivalent to the Austenasian position of Caesar.
On Christmas Day, Empress Aikaterini raised her father, Aggelos I, to the throne as joint ruling co-Emperor. He had previously been appointed Symbasileus himself on 21 December.
Aggelos has served as Imvrassian head of state before, most recently from March to November 2016 as king. Prior to being appointed joint Emperor, he had held the rank of Despotes and managed Imvrassian foreign relations, being instrumental in securing recognition of Imvrassian imperium in October this year.
Jonathan I has sent congratulations to his new colleague in the consortium imperii.