This year, Emperor Jonathan I did not issue his customary Christmas broadcast, but rather delegated that honour to the Prime Minister, Lord John Gordon. Technical problems have prevented him from recording a broadcast, but he has published the following statement:

Austenasians, Friends and Subjects, I must first start by apologizing for the lateness of this speech. As you can imagine, it’s been a busy period.
This Christmas we reflect not only on this year, but also on ourselves. This year has been full of hardship and sacrifice and we have risen to the challenge. With Covid-19 ravaging the world, it hasn’t been the best of years. However, we all came together in the spirit of community and I could not be more proud. We must also remember those we have lost this year due to the pandemic: they will never be forgotten.
This year for Austenasia has been turbulent, beginning with the crisis with the Constitutional Referendum and Dionisiy’s subsequent resignation which gave me the reigns of government, but we have emerged stronger and more united. Austenasia is my home and I am so proud to be an Austenasian.
This Christmas I want us to remember the words of Jesus when he told of the Good Samaritan in the Bible (Luke 10:25-37). We must help our neighbor as we help ourselves. I want 2021 to be an illustrious year for Austenasia, and I promise you I will do everything I can to make that a reality.
Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!
Lord John Gordon, Viscount of Thetford
Prime Minister of Austenasia
30 December 2020, the Sixth Day of Christmas