One of Austenasia’s oldest international friends, the Kingdom of Wyvern, has entered into an official alliance with the Empire of Austenasia upon the signing of a treaty earlier today between the sovereigns of the two countries.

Although Austenasia maintains close and friendly diplomatic relations with numerous nations – forty two, at present -the formal status of “ally” is an extremely prestigious one, granted only to Austenasia’s very closest international partners.
Austenasia has only had two other official allies: the Kingdom of Wilcsland from 2010 to 2013, and the Commonwealth of New Virginia since its amicable secession from the Empire in February last year.
The addition of Wyvern to this exclusive group marks the first time Austenasia has had more than one official ally at the same time.
An alliance includes a provision for mutual defence, distinguishing it from other forms of diplomatic ties, no matter how friendly. Austenasia and Wyvern have accordingly pledged in today’s treaty to “come upon request to the other’s defence in the case of an attack by a third party”.
Wyvern and Austenasia officially entered into mutual recognition on 27 January 2014, but had interacted in the diplomatic sphere for several years preceding that, albeit not always on the best of terms. Relations slowly began to improve, and a national friendship was solidified with a treaty on 21 September 2016.
Relations between the two countries have only grown closer since then, leading to the recent decision to establish a formal state of alliance.