In celebration of his sixtieth birthday, HIH Emperor Father Terry has been granted the unprecedented title of Pater Patriae by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor.
Jonathan I announced the bestowing of the title with the publication of an Imperial Edict this morning.
Pater Patriae, which literally translates to “Father of the Fatherland”, was a title originally conferred by the Roman Senate to individuals considered successors of Romulus. In recent centuries, the title has been used more widely to refer to the founding fathers of a country.
For Emperor Father Terry, the title will be translated “Father of the Nation.”
The unique honour was presented as a birthday present from the Emperor and People of Austenasia as a whole.
As such, supporting the Emperor’s decision to grant the title were the Prime Minister, the Consuls, and a vote of the House of Representatives.
The Imperial Edict conferred the title “in grateful recognition of his role as Father of the Nation as de facto co-Founder, first Emperor of Austenasia, and Head of the Ancient and Imperial House of Austen in addition to his other contributions towards the country.”