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Emperor Father named Pater Patriae on 60th birthday

In celebration of his sixtieth birthday, HIH Emperor Father Terry has been granted the unprecedented title of Pater Patriae by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor.

Jonathan I announced the bestowing of the title with the publication of an Imperial Edict this morning.

Pater Patriae, which literally translates to “Father of the Fatherland”, was a title originally conferred by the Roman Senate to individuals considered successors of Romulus. In recent centuries, the title has been used more widely to refer to the founding fathers of a country.

For Emperor Father Terry, the title will be translated “Father of the Nation.”

The unique honour was presented as a birthday present from the Emperor and People of Austenasia as a whole.

As such, supporting the Emperor’s decision to grant the title were the Prime Minister, the Consuls, and a vote of the House of Representatives.

The Imperial Edict conferred the title “in grateful recognition of his role as Father of the Nation as de facto co-Founder, first Emperor of Austenasia, and Head of the Ancient and Imperial House of Austen in addition to his other contributions towards the country.”

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