A 1.44 acre property in Utah was annexed to the Empire of Austenasia today after being claimed by its landowner, Lord Michael Simpson.
The property, which has been named Rubrum Beryllium, is uninhabited.
The land is situated in a district where discoveries of red beryl – also known as bixbite or red emerald – have been made. Red beryl is a very rare gemstone of high value.
It is hoped for a prospecting mission to take place in the near future. Should any red beryl be found in Rubrum Beryllium itself, it would be of great financial benefit to the Empire.
Lord Simpson is one of the Empire’s leading landowners. He has previously claimed three other territories – Florencium Carolina, Elliessium Colorandum, and Golcondiarum – for Austenasia, all of which he owns and administers as Governor.