An Act of Parliament passed yesterday evening has founded two new Crown Dependencies after their landowners contacted the government with requests to join Austenasia.

A rural property in China’s Hunan province has been annexed as Shuhan, and four plots of land in Navajo County, Arizona have been annexed as Navurania.
Shuhan is home to Juntao Yang and his mother. Mr Yang has been appointed Governing Commissioner of Shuhan, to administer it with the title of Duke.
Mr Yang serves as Austenasia’s unaccredited Ambassador to China. His family can trace its descent from the rulers of one of the so-called Three Kingdoms of third century China, Shu Han, in honour of which the new territory has been named.
Although the annexation legislation was passed at 11pm UTC on 15 February, this was already 16 February in China, and as such the latter date will be considered Shuhan’s date of foundation.
The second new claim, Navurania, is composed of four plots of uninhabited land in a location best known for the mining of uranium and rare earth minerals.
The plots comprising Navurania are owned by Lord Michael Simpson, one of Austenasia’s most prolific purchasers and claimers of land. However, as governor of four territories already – Florencium Carolina, Elliessium Colorandum, Golcondiaurum, and Rubrum Beryllium – and Representative of Procyon, it was decided not to add to his workload of territorial administration.
Lord Simpson’s grandson has therefore been appointed Governing Commissioner of Navurania, adopting for said purpose the official pseudonym of Winston Churchill Jr. for privacy reasons.