Wednesday 4th May saw the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire vote to supersede the confederation’s 2017 charter with a new version.
This comes as the latest in a series of initiatives meant to revitalize the Empire. The Holy Roman Empire (HRE), a continuation of the same-named polity which existed between the 9th and 19th centuries in central Europe, was recognised by Austenasia in 2016.
In July 2021, Brooklyn Hewitt, who had formerly been Prime Minister in Austenasia, relinquished her claim as heir to the Holy Roman throne and withdrew the membership of the Commonwealth of Havnesgade-Amager and the Confederation of the Emmanuelian States.
Following this, Archduke Bradley van Dullahan of Saxony, who serves as Princeps Senatus in Austenasia, called a vote to elect a new King of the Romans – the title used for the Imperial Heir – and Imperial Chancellor, which is a position analogous to a Prime Minister. On 4 March 2022, after a stagnant period of deliberation, Archduke Bradley and Lord William Wilson – who serves as the current Prime Minister in Austenasia – were elected to the respective positions.
As part of his Chancellorship, Wilson drafted and proposed a new Charter on 25 April. This charter reformed the government bodies of the Empire, most notably separating the College of Electors and Imperial Diet, as well as the formal codification of the Imperial Court as a judicial body.
Holy Roman Emperor Quentin I – whose authority is currently wielded by the van Dullahan Regency – has not yet called a new Diet, but discussion is being held on a date to make the announcement.
The new Charter can be read here, and the entry code to the official HRE Discord server is “xaaV9j7”.