The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Consuls appointed for 2023

Lord William Wilson, Duke of Taysha, yesterday as Prime Minister appointed the two Consuls for 2023.

Annually appointed to a yearly term, the Consuls are Austenasia’s highest judicial authorities, responsible for sentencing convicted criminals. In following ancient Roman practice, they also give their names to the year.

This year’s Consuls have been announced as Shiro Mephistopheles and Sir Anthony Clark.

Mephistopheles previously served as Minister of Defence from 2018-19, and was recently elected Chairman of the Grand Unified Micronational.

Sir Anthony has served as Attorney-General since 2020, and also holds office as Governing Commissioner of Amerdansk.

Both became Austenasian nationals on the same day, 6 August 2018.

Consular years are named in Latin; 2023 is therefore the year of the consulship of Lucinus Mephistopheles and Antonius Clericii Eques.

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