The next Prime Minister of Austenasia will be either Lord John Gordon or Lord Andrew Creed, with Lady Addison O’Halloran having dropped out of the election earlier today.
General election candidates have dropped out in previous elections – Lord Marshal William in 2013, and Lord Anthony Clark in 2019 – but technically remained on the ballot.
Now, however, an Imperial Decree has been passed by Emperor Jonathan I permitting candidates who wish to withdraw to do so completely.
With O’Halloran no longer running, the choice has narrowed to either Lord Creed or Lord Gordon.
Both have released statements outlining their positions and policies.
From Lord John Gordon:
“As a familiar face in Austenasia I will ensure a prosperous future and new reforms to several government departments to make government more open and streamlined. A more proactive approach will be taken to macronational affairs to make our presence known to all on the world stage. Your voice will be safe in my hands.
I promise to work for all Austenasians for the advancement of our nation. I will work on projects that everyone can work on together, and to increase our influence within the community. I will also discuss and possibly pursue UN non-consultative status as some prominent micronations have to increase awareness of our great state and her peoples.“
And from Lord Andrew Creed:
“I’m the longest serving Austenasian Governor, so my loyalty and commitment to Austenasia cannot be held in any doubt, and I led the charge in overhauling MicroWiki from a toxic cesspool to just a regular cesspool. I believe I can do the same for Austenasia, reforming our nation to be great once again. I’d like to take a more isolated stance with the international micronational world, to allow us to focus our energy on our own internal development. If elected, I would leave all intermicronational organisations that offer Austenasia no benefits.
And the most pressing matter, which is not acknowledged. The Moon, what the hell is it? Each night, it comes out and glares at us, watching children and women as they sleep. I would order an immediate investigation into the Moon’s activities and intentions. On Day 1.“
It remains to be seen whether Lord Creed’s anti-Moon rhetoric will affect the outcome of the vote in any meaningful way.