The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Emperor Jonathan I announces Regency

To the Empire and to the world, my greetings.

When I founded Austenasia with my family over fifteen years ago, I could never have imagined how our little country would one day prosper.

It has been a joy to watch this community we started grow right around the world, with people from all sorts of places and backgrounds taking a real interest in helping Austenasia to flourish.

I served under our first three Emperors as Prime Minister, and since 2013 I have ruled as Emperor myself.

Austenasia has been a huge part of my life for over fifteen years. However, as I approach my thirtieth birthday, it has become clear to me that, although I have spent half my life on helping to lead the Empire, I no longer have the time to dedicate to it that I once did.

Other aspects of my life require my attention and my dedication, and I cannot demand loyalty from subjects to a Throne the holder of which will only ever have a decreasing amount of time to give to them.

Austenasia began as a small, family project when I was thirteen, and it has far outgrown my wildest hopes for it. However, after several months of deep thought, I am certain in my conviction that it is time for my leadership to come to an end.

Although I had considered abdication, I cannot bring myself yet to sever completely the ties between myself and the country I have loved and governed for so long, or to disappoint so profoundly those who have asked me to reconsider.

Rather, I shall remain as titular Monarch, in name only, providing a continued link to the House of Austen and proof of my endorsement of the new Heir, Aggelos, to serve as Prince Regent.

Aggelos of Imvrassia has been an Austenasian for nearly seven years, has served in Parliament on two non-consecutive occasions, and has over a decade of experience as constitutional monarch of Imvrassia.

He has been appointed as Prince Regent by the Senate with my full and sincere backing, to rule as effective head of state. With the support of the Prime Minister, and with the members of the new Line of Succession able to serve as Counsellors of State if necessary, I am sure he will do a wonderful job.

His Imperial and Majestic Highness – as he shall be known in Austenasia, in deference to his Imvrassian throne – takes on the powers of the Austenasian Throne in their full. They are his to wield as they were mine, effective as of 10:00 UTC today.

Prince Regent Aggelos will need the support and respect of the Empire to fulfil this calling, and I ask all Austenasians and all our friends from abroad to give him our full support as he takes on this great responsibility. He has my full support and I trust the future is safe in his hands.

To all those who I have come to know through my time in office in Austenasia, I thank you for your friendship, and for the horizons that have been opened.

May God bless you all, and God save the Empire!

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