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Austenasian Times

Online news for the people of the Empire

Constitutional Crisis! PM Resigns

The new era of the Empire of Austenasia is off to a rocky start since the regency of Emperor Jonathon I in May of this year. Since then Chief Ambassador, Lord Hunter Prater, and Prime Minister, Lord John Gordon have both resigned from their positions, leaving the Government in a mad scramble to regain control of a turbulent situation.

On July 22, Lord John Gordon announced via Discord that he was resigning from his position as Prime Minister, which he was elected to in February of this year.

Following his announcement, Gordon appointed Lady Addison O’Halloran, Representative of Blue Ridge, as Acting Prime Minister, on the understanding that Lord Andrew had also resigned.

After a week of radio silence, the situation was brought to the attention of Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Andrew of Corinium Terentium. Lord Andrew, who at the time, sat as speaker of Parliament , stated that according the Austenasian Constitution, he was lawfully Acting Prime Minister upon the resignation of Lord Gordon, and that Gordon’s appointment of O’Halloran was unconstitutional.

Lord Andrew made the following statement via Discord:

“The appointment of Addison as Acting Prime Minister is unlawful, and any ‘official acts’ done during her ‘Premiership’ are null and void. 

The succession of the Prime Minister is a settled fact, and cannot be altered by royal degree alone.

As Deputy Prime Minister, I am the lawful acting Prime Minister, and was immediately upon the Prime Minister’s resignation. 

Addison is not to be considered “Prime Minister”, acting or otherwise, until they have won the general election.”

Lady O’Halloran immediately followed up stating she had not had any knowledge of the appointment until that moment.

Shortly after, it was confirmed by the Prince Regent, Aggelos I, that Lord Andrew was indeed Acting Prime Minister.

Lord Andrew made it known that he intends to call for an election as early as possible, citing that Parliament requires a replacement speaker before that can happen.

He also announced that he will be running for Prime Minister in the upcoming election.

Palasian Independence

Following Lord John Gordon’s resignation as Prime Minister, on July 25, Gordon announced that the Austenasian town of Palasia and its march, Caldari, would be separating from Austenasia as they declare their independence.

Gordon made the following speech:

Palasians, Austenasians, Peoples of the world,

I make this speech in both sad and jubilant circumstances, sadness because the chapter of being part of Austenasia has come to an end but jubilant because we can finally forge ahead and make our own history and decisions.

I do, with the permission and acceptance of the Palasian people declare independence from the Empire of Austenasia and announce the creation of the Palasian Transitional Council to oversee Palasia during the time of a fully independent nation called the Republic of Palasia.

The Palasian Transitional Council’s job shall be to oversee the day to day running of a Transitional Government and the creation of a constitution and functioning government system. The first meeting of the PTC which shall set out the form of governance Palasia shall take, its Administrative structure and national symbols shall commence on the 1st August 2024. We shall endeavour to publish our declaration of independence after the first meeting thus beginning a new age in Palasia.

We thank Austenasia for being our home for the last 14 years and we hope close relations with the Empire will commence in a timely fashion.

Thank you

John Gordon

President of the Palasian Transitional Council

Palasia and Caldari have been a part of Austenasia since 2013 and 2014 respectively, making them some of the longest standing settlements in Austenasia history.

Austenasia and the Times would like to wish Lord Gordon and Palasia all the best in the future.

Austenasia Notes

  • Prior to his resignation as Prime Minister, Lord John Gordon condemned the Assassination Attempt on former US President, Donald Trump, on behalf of the Empire.
  • Shiro Mephistopheles has been appointed Acting Deputy Prime Minister following Lord Andrew’s appointment as Acting Prime Minister.
  • Lord Griffin of Glainamar has been appointed Editor of the Austenasian Times as well as the Austenasian Delegate to the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM).