A lot has transpired in the last 24 hours since Acting Prime Minister, Lord Andrew Creed, dismissed all of Austenasia’s Delegates to the Grand Unified Micronational.
As reported by the Quadrangle Gazette, Lord Creed has stood fast by his decision to not re-appoint any Delegates to the GUM, jeopardizing Austenasia’s position within the organization, as per the GUM’s 14 day expulsion rule regarding member state’s delegates.
Link to the Quadrangle Gazette article: https://newsouthscotland.weebly.com/quadrangle-gazette/governing-commissioner-requests-legal-resolution-of-gum-dispute
Lord Creed claimed he was not aware of this rule and had intended to simply pull all delegates until after the upcoming General Election, where it essentially would be decided by a vote wether or not Austenasia would remain a member of the GUM.
With that being said, despite being made aware of the rule and it’s subsequent consequences, Lord Creed has insisted that he will not re-appoint any delegates until the GUM has taken his concerns on GUM-wide bullying and harassment seriously.
GUM Chair, Newton von Uberquie, made it clear that he takes all cases of bullying and harassment seriously.
The Wrythe Public House erupted this afternoon with arguments, rude comments, fights, and an overall lack of decorum.

It started out with various people voicing their concerns with Lord Creed’s dismissal of delegates, most notably was Sir Hugh McFarlane, Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland. This eventually lead to an argument between Lord Creed and von Uberquie. The two later conducted a conversation in private which apparently has lead to a possible solution to Creed’s outstanding problems with the GUM.
Lord Sander Koff was present and heavily sided with Lord Creed and his arguments. Former Austenasian Prime Minister, Vera Hewitt was also present at the time and weighed in on the subject. This eventually lead to a war of words between Koff and Hewitt, which was to say the least, distasteful on both parts. To prevent it from going any further, both were silenced in the Discord server.
Through the madness and the chaos, it was suggested that the Prince Regent should intervene and get the situation back under control; to which Lord Creed responded with the following:
“I have advised the Crown to not act in this matter, as doing so would undermine the people that I represent. Me and the Chair are in discussions, but no action should be taken until then. If the Crown is to act, and overrule my decision, I will resign as Prime Minister.”
Sir Hugh McFarlane, who was adamant that the matter be settled democratically, provided the Times with the following statement regarding Lord Creed’s statement.
“For the Acting Prime Minister to act in potential violation of the law and then threaten to collapse the government if that decision is reviewed by the Crown is the height of absurdity.”
McFarlane suggested that the dismissal of all GUM delegates was in fact against the law.
Lord Creed and Acting Deputy Prime Minister, Shiro Mephistopheles, both said that Creed was well within his right to dismiss the delegates.
To the Times knowledge, this political disaster has so far already spanned three Discord servers and countless private conversations. Some folks have already attempted to give the event a name, such as “Black” or “Red” August.
Former Austenasian Prime Minister, Lord John Gordon, eventually broke his silence after conversing with Lord Creed. He announced that he will be ceding Caldari back to Austenasia and return to front line Austenasian politics. With that, he will be standing with Lord Creed as his running mate.
The Acting Deputy Prime Minister announced that potential election candidates have until September 1st to announce their intention to run. He also encouraged any eligible and willing Representatives to please do so.
As it stands, there are still only two candidates for the election, Lord Andrew Creed, and Lady Addison O’Halloran.
At the time of writing this article, Lord Andrew Creed made the following statement:
“A new delegate to the GUM has been decided upon, and they will take their place amongst other GUM delegates to represent Austenasia’s interests once I have received that agreed upon written statement from the Chairman of the GUM, and am happy with the conclusion they have reached in said statement.”
Lord Creed declined to comment any further on the subject as the situation has not yet been totally resolved.