The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Major Election Developments, Parliament Dissolved

On the morning of August 12, following the fallout of Lord Hunter Prater’s supposed ineligibility for Prime Minister and subsequent appointment to Cabinet from the day before, Lord Hunter Prater, Duke of Dixie, renounced his candidacy in the following statement:

“A renounce my candidacy and will be removing myself from public life within the empire. I will focus my efforts within the Duchy and any Counties or Baronies or Towns within Dixie may contact me with ideas for great social events such as Minecraft, voice chat, Call of Duty, book club, or whatever. I will also be continuing on The Grand Duchy of the Great Lochs and the Church of Christian Druids within the empire. However as far as anything political, I much say I rather not tie myself to what I believe is a piece of drift wood left over from the decay of time and inactivity. I encourage everyone to give their support to Lord Andrew Creed, though I disagree with some of his beliefs, he is active and that’s what the empire needs most of all is someone active and who cares. I also call all citizens of the continued Roman Empire all Romans to rise up and support your Regent and Prime Minister in positive change. The Church of Christian Druids will be open within the empire however will not openly advocate for conversion of citizens.”

As a result, it was discussed by government wether or not the election could continue. It was announced by Acting Deputy Prime Minister, Shiro Mephistopheles, that it indeed could continue because the Prince Regent had already approved two candidates.

Lady Addison O’Halloran, Representative of Blue Ridge, announced her intention to run for Prime Minister as a token opposition, and encouraged everyone to still vote for Lord Creed.

It was also discovered that there was an error in the date set for the election. According to the Constitution, a period of 7 weeks must be given from the announcement to the election date, with four weeks from the dissolution of Parliament.

With that being said, Prince Regent, Aggelos I, announced that Parliament had in fact been dissolved as scheduled.

Due to the changes, the Acting Deputy Prime Minister announced that Representatives have been given a few more days to have the opportunity to stand for election.

The Emperor, His Imperial Majesty, Jonathan I, reached out to the Times to let’s us know that the mix up regarding Lord Prater’s eligibility for Prime Minister under Act 1, Section 6 of the Constitution was a mistake on his part and that “Cabinet” should read “Representatives”. His Imperial Majesty apologized for the confusion.

As it stands now, there are two candidates for election, Lord Andrew Creed, and Lady Addison O’Halloran. The Times will continue to monitor the situation and update as necessary.

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