The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Fourth Amendment Passes Referendum

All three parts of the proposed Fourth Amendment to the Austenasian Constitution of 2011 have received the requisite support in yesterday’s referendum, and as such will enter into force tomorrow. Out of 84 eligible voters, there was a total turnout of 57; just one more than the two-thirds turnout of 56 required for the results to be binding. The Fourth Amendment is composed of three separate proposals, which could be voted on individually in the referendum. The first and third proposals both received 52 votes (91.2%) in support. The second proposal – replacing the requirement that the Monarch be a practicing Christian with a requirement that they “respect and uphold” the Christian faith – saw more opposition, but still a majority in favour, with 39 votes (68.4%) in support.

Lord Wilson Resigns after Absence

Thursday February 27th saw an Act of Parliament passed which dissolved the Towns of Nahona and North Nahona following the resignation of Lord William Wilson from politics. Lord Wilson, who served as Prime Minister from September 2021 to February 2024, did not stand in last year’s February general election, taking a step back from government due to increasing time constraints from other commitments. Although he remained in Parliament, his levels of interaction steadily decreased over the course of 2024, with Lord Wilson last responding to messages late last year. An e-mail set to send automatically if not cancelled was received several days ago, informing the government that if they were reading it, he wished to resign and have the claims he founded dissolved. The Territory of Jackson and the Campo de Jonatán March have therefore also been ceded. As Prime Minister, Lord Wilson served a successful term which saw the country’s population hitting a record peak of 150 with a naturalisation drive, as well as the subsequent implementation of parliamentary representation for non-residential subjects. He took an active and outgoing approach to foreign relations, becoming the first Prime Minister since the then Crown Prince Jonathan to embark on a state visit, overseeing “windows” whereby the Foreign Office would consider applications for diplomatic relations, and personally acting to improve and maintain ties with the Holy Roman Empire, Dracul, New Virginia, and others. Domestically, Lord Wilson chaired online Cabinet meetings far more frequently than his predecessors, at one point seeing a meeting each week when historically Cabinet had simply met as and when required. This activity in government led to such initiatives as the aforementioned expansion and democratic reform, as well as the foundation of the Imperial University, the creation of an investment account in precious metals, and other governmental projects. Austenasia Notes

Referendum Announced for Constitutional Amendments

The Senate has voted in favour of a referendum on March 1st in which the people of the Empire will vote on three proposals for constitutional amendments. These proposals were put forward by the Prime Minister, Lord Andrew Creed, as part of a platform of constitutional reform. Any of the three proposals which gain the necessary support in the upcoming referendum will be cumulatively known as the Fourth Amendment. The first proposal would reform the position of Prime Minister. Although the current election cycle will be kept in place, if a Prime Minister resigns and their Deputy succeeds to the premiership, then the Deputy will no longer be titled as “Acting” Prime Minister; that role will be reserved for a Deputy Prime Minister temporarily taking power. Furthermore, should both the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister’s offices fall vacant, the highest-ranking Government Minister would assume the premiership. The second proposal would remove the requirement for the Monarch to be a practising baptised Christian, requiring only that they respect and uphold the state religion. At present, some members of the Line of Succession – including the Heir to the Throne himself, Crown Prince Shiro – would be unable to ascend the Throne should that choice fall to them due to not being practising Christians, despite being happy to respect the nation’s majority faith. The third and final proposal would implement reform to the Senate. Briefly put, the position of Senator would be held for five-year terms instead of for life, and the office of Princeps Senatus would be elected by the Senators instead of automatically being held by the longest-serving one. Austenasian voters will be contacted shortly regarding the referendum, with early voting able to take place from Saturday 22nd. As a prospective constitutional amendment, the above-mentioned three proposals have also received the approval of the Monarch and of a near-unanimous vote of the House of Representatives (twelve in favour, two not voting). The approval of the People is the final step required by law to amend the Constitution.

The GUM’s Darkest Hour: Bullying, Mismanagement, and the Silencing of Allegations

On Sept. 18, 2024, at midnight, then Acting Prime Minister Andrew Creed withdrew the Empire of Austenasia from the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM), an organisation it had been part of for 15 years. The decision followed allegations of harassment and bullying, claims that GUM’s permanent Director General, Adam Belcher, called “unsubstantiated” in an article regarding Creed’s earlier dismissal of the Austenasian GUM delegates in the Adammic Express. However, a substantial body of corroborating evidence from the GUM Discord server has uncovered a deeply troubling history of harassment and bullying dating back to 2019. These actions escalated to the extent that several members were either pushed out or opted to leave, citing a loss of trust in the organisation. Meanwhile, recruitment has declined sharply, reaching a six-year low and further exacerbating concerns about the organisation’s future. Despite contacting Adam Belcher, who also serves as GUM delegate for Adammia, for clarification on his comments that the claims of harassment and abuse are “unsubstantiated” and “utterly unfounded”, no response was received by the time of publication. GUM Leadership Instructed Chair to Dismiss Concerns from Non-Members According to the leaks, senior officials within the Grand Unified Micronational instructed then-Chair Tyler Mullins to ignore any concerns or complaints raised by individuals outside the organisation. This directive raises serious implications for safeguarding and welfare within the broader micronational community. Critics argue that such a policy fosters a closed environment where potential safeguarding issues risk being dismissed simply because they come from non-members. The refusal to engage with external concerns may contribute to a lack of accountability, leaving individuals – especially younger or vulnerable participants – without a clear avenue to report misconduct or seek support. A Culture of Bullying and Falsehoods The evidence exposes a pattern of deliberate attacks on Austenasia’s reputation, and others, including individuals associated directly or indirectly. One target of bullying included a 60-year-old micronationalist, about whom a GUM delegate remarked they “felt sorry for […] but he’s probably a paedophile”. Several individuals were accused of having fascist sympathies, without any evidence. Additionally, a Japanese micronationalist seeking GUM membership was allegedly subjected to racist remarks, including mockery of their mistranslated English. Delegates were subjected to verbal abuse by members associated with the so-called ‘Würtige Bloc’, with insults such as “dipshit” and demands to “go fuck [themselves]” being directed at them. However, this only scratches the surface, as far more significant cases of targeted harassment and bullying have been discovered across various channels within the GUM Discord server. Exposing GUM Coordinated Attacks on Austenasia James Bornstein, the GUM delegate for New Virginia, was the source of rumours in 2022 that Lord Andrew Creed was suffering from ‘bone cancer,’ spreading them using a burner account within the MicroWiki@Discord server. While previously undisclosed, it has now been revealed that Creed suffers from MGUS (Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance), a rare condition that increases the risk of developing cancer. It requires constant monitoring through regular blood tests to detect early signs of progression into serious illnesses such as multiple myeloma. Bornstein continued to joke about this incident, sparking outrage and was issued a warning by then GUM Chair Tyler Mullins, which was later overturned by a Quorum vote. In response to this warning, former GUM Chair Henry Clémens published a 21-page dossier accusing the Austenasian Government of direct interference within the GUM, alleging that Lord Jonathan Austen, former Emperor of Austenasia, and Creed had conspired with GUM Chair Tyler Mullins and Vice Chair Jan Stastny to expel members of the so-called ‘Würtige Bloc’, of which the Commonwealth of New Virginia is a member. An Austenasian Cabinet member responded to the dossier, describing it as “an obsession,” noting that Clémens appeared “convinced” that Austenasia was scheming against him. The Cabinet member further remarked that the dossier resembled “the rantings of a schizophrenic“, citing that Clémens’ first example of Austenasia’s so-called ‘interference’ was Lord Jonathan correcting an article about Diplomabear – a stuffed teddy bear. GUM Chair Tyler Mullins resigned amidst calls for a no-confidence vote. The Times reached out to Mullins for comment, who responded to the accusations of conspiracy and manipulation, stating: “It’s all a bunch of nonsense. They accused me of leaking messages, which I didn’t, then cited the fact that I heard complaints from Austenasians as proof that I was a secret agent loyal to Austenasia and tasked with influencing the GUM. […] If I wanted to kick all of them out, I would’ve done it when I had the chance, especially given how they were bullying Austenasian Prime Minister Andrew Creed and participating in a joke that Adam had already outlawed with the threat of suspensions two years ago.” Newton von Uberquie, delegate for Würdigeland and Acting Vice Chair of the GUM, also persisted in making jokes at Creed’s expense, with no intervention from higher-ups. He referred to Creed as a “weak, jelly bones guy,” seemingly mocking the harassment. Another GUM official remarked that they were “really, really beyond caring about the crazy bones stuff,” underscoring the organisation’s indifference to the issue. This evidence lends significant weight to the allegations, revealing that Austenasia was not the first target of coordinated attacks by certain GUM delegates. These attacks aimed to tarnish the reputation, honour, and character of Austenasia, her people, and anyone associated with them. The findings vindicate the decisions made by the Austenasian Government and others to sever ties with the GUM and directly challenge the smear campaigns directed at those who recently left the organisation. Editor’s note: The article was amended for clarity and to remove any mention of specific instances of harassment or bullying to protect the individuals involved from potential reprisals. The Austenasian Times apologises for any distress caused.

Lord Jonathan to Oversee Diplomatic Project

HSH Lord Jonathan, Duke of Sweetpea Valley – the former Emperor Jonathan I – has been appointed an Ambassador-at-Large by the Prime Minister, Lord Andrew Creed, with authorisation to oversee a new diplomatic project proposed in Cabinet. Historically, the Empire of Austenasia has focused much of its attention in terms of foreign affairs on the so-called MicroWiki community of small nations, centred on the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM) organisation. However, following a perceived decline in standards of professionalism and an increased tolerance of poor behaviour within the GUM, Austenasia withdrew its membership in September last year, having first joined almost fifteen years previously in October 2009. At this time, the idea was floated of founding a new organisation to replace the gap left in the Empire’s foreign affairs by its departure from the GUM. Concrete steps in this direction have now been taken with the creation of the new office of Ambassador-at-Large for a New Diplomatic Organisation. This position has been given to Lord Jonathan, whose personal connections with foreign heads of state following years of experience first as Prime Minister and then as Emperor have been considered invaluable for the diplomatic tasks ahead. The official remit of the new ambassadorial post is to “contact well-established and prominent small nations with whom Austenasia holds diplomatic relations to propose and arrange the establishment of a new international association”. A list of the nations to be invited to discuss such an association has not been confirmed, but it is understood that the focus will likely be on nations that operate primarily outside the MicroWiki sphere.

Austenasia to Assist Santa Claus

It was announced earlier this week by Prime Minister, Andrew Creed, that Austenasia would be assisting the entity known as Santa Claus during his visit during the late and early hours of December 24 and 25. The Prime Minister released the following statement to the nation via Discord. The Prime Minister then followed up with a second statement: “By the Order of the Prime Minister, with the full Consent of the Crown: Father Christmas has been charged by powers beyond our own understanding with the most important and sacred of obligations of bringing gifts to the unfortunate and undeserving. Many of these gifts which cannot be seen, touched, or felt, but are nonetheless delivered for the benefit of all he deigns to visit. He brings the goodwill of the heavens to all of humankind and as such, is considered by Austenasia to be a force for good. However, the discharge of these obligations requires an incalculably huge amount of actions in Father Christmas’s annual visit to individual homes during the dead of night, that for any other being would amount to a crime. The Prime Minister’s office has determined to grant him immunity from these would-be “crimes,” knowing that the people Austenasia abhor the very thought of Father Christmas being branded, treated, or even perceived remotely the same category as a common criminal. The Crown agrees, but also quickly determined that Father Christmas’s brief presence among us this year warrants stronger protections during its duration. The Crown has directed the Prime Minister to issue the following order: All Austenasians are hereby obligated to aid and comfort Father Christmas when he is encountered. The nature of his actions is not to be considered; Father Christmas is an otherworldly being engaged in benevolent obligations and is not to be disturbed, hindered, or detained in any fashion. Those citizens who are able are urged to place the traditional peace offering of milk and cookies to sustain him on his arduous journey around the world. Doing so will aid Father Christmas in brings goodwill to all of humankind and sustain this cycle for years to come. Signed: Lord Andrew CreedThe Prime Minister Shiro MephistophelesThe Crown Prince & Princeps Senatus” The Times looks forward to aiding Father Christmas in his travels and encourages all other to do the same, as outline by the Prime Minister above. He should be expected to arrive between the hours of 2200 24/12/2024 and 0500 25/12/2024. The Times would also like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Diasporic List Election Results

Earlier this morning, the results of the Diasporic List Election were published by His Imperial Majesty, Aggelos I. The results were as follows: The election took place yesterday, 9 December 2024 and allowed for all Non-residential subjects the opportunity to decide who they wanted to represent them in Parliament. The Times would like to congratulate all six candidates on their election to the House of Representatives and wish them all the best in their term.

Election Candidates Announced

Earlier this evening, Chancellor, HSH Lord Jonathan, announced the official candidates for the Diasporic List election. The candidates are as follows: – Lord Andrew Creed, Baron of Corinium Terentium– Lord Karl Friedrich, Duke of Bohemia– Lord Mick Griffin, Baron of Glainamar– H.E. The Right Hon. Sir Hugh McFarlane, KCA– H.E. Prof. Sir Sanjib Bhattacharya, KOB, KCA– Mr. Ortiz Augusto Javier Non-residential subjects will be contacted before the date of the election with further information on the candidates and instructions for how to vote. The election has been scheduled for 9 December 2024. The Times followed up with the Chancellor to inquire on candidates for the local Town elections. While no official list has been released yet, the Chancellor provided us with the following information:

‘All Austenasia Party’ Formed

In preparation for the upcoming local and Diasporic List election, a new political party has been formed – the All Austenasia Party. Earlier this month, Attorney General and Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland, H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sir Hugh McFarlane, KCA, formed the All Austenasia Party along with Lord Mick Griffin, Baron of Glainamar. The Party has herby released its platform and policies. They are as follows: Platform Austenasia is at a crossroads. No segment of our society is more at-risk than the Diaspora. The All Austenasia Party is your voice in Parliament. Together, we can work to make Austenasia a home for everyone, no matter where in the world they live. Together, we can work to ensure our community’s best days are still ahead. Policies Election Candidates The Times sat down with Party Leader, Sir Hugh McFarlane to touch base on his motives and get his opinion on the situation. The interview went as follows: Q: What are you hoping to bring to the table, in the House of Representatives, with the establishment of the All Austenasia Party? A: Above anything else we are keen to bring the Diaspora’s voices to the table. We make up such a large chunk of Austenasia’s population and deserve an equal share of the Parliament. Q: What prompted you to establish the party? A: Austenasian politics can often feel very persona-centric, with the focus being on individual politicians rather than bigger movements. I’d like to see the Diaspora represented by more than one person. I think that means having an easily recognisable organisation for people to rally around. Q: How do you feel the party will stand up to the already established Arete Party and Alliance Party? A: I don’t know if ‘stand up’ is the right word. The public is best served by cooperation between the parties. That being said, the All Austenasia Party will always put the Diaspora first and if that means confronting the big players, so be it. While the official list of election candidates has not yet been released, both McFarlane and Griffin have submitted their petitions to the Emperor to stand for election. The All Austenasia Party would like to encourage all eligible candidates in the upcoming election that if they are interested in best serving all peoples of Austenasia, and notably those of the Diaspora, to please contact McFarlane or Griffin. The Times would like to acknowledge the fact that this article is a conflict of interest as the Editor-in-Chief is associated with the newly established party.