The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Diplomatic relations established with Vishwamitra

Emperor Jonathan I yesterday signed a treaty of mutual recognition with the State of Vishwamitra, establishing friendly diplomatic relations with said nation. Vishwamitra is an elective absolute monarchy which declared independence from India in 2007. Originally created by a group of childhood friends, it was first known simply as the “Children’s Group”, eventually evolving into the sophisticated nation it is today. Vishwamitra has a population of 80 citizens. Its monarch, Dhrubajyoti Roy, has reigned since August last year and holds the title Rashtradhyaksh (Hindi for “head of state”). The monarch is elected to a three year term by and from the six rulers of Vishwamitra’s constituent states.

Friendly ties re-established with Delvera

The Empire of Austenasia and the Grand Republic of Delvera re-established friendly diplomatic relations yesterday with the signing of a treaty. Diplomatic relations with Delvera – which the Empire had recognised along with its predecessor state NottaLotta Acres since 2010 – were cut on 4 September 2017 after it was discovered that a member of the Delveran government had contacted an Austenasian official with a suggestion to launch a coup against Emperor Jonathan I. Delvera claimed the incident was “trolling”, but in the context of a low-point in relations (animosity arising from the aftermath of a controversial Facebook Messenger discussion the Emperor had been invited to by the Delveran head of state) was taken as the final straw, and the decision was made to sever diplomatic ties. With the passage of time, tensions subsided, and last year the Delveran government was contacted with the offer of restoring diplomacy on the condition of an apology. The Emperor agreed to make the apologies mutual, admitting that the Austenasian government had at points dealt unsatisfactorily with Delveran concerns. The new treaty, signed yesterday by Jonathan I and Delveran leader Consul Hannah Callahan, has re-established friendly diplomatic ties, including mutual apologies for past wrongdoings and pledges of non-aggression. There now remain no counties with which the Empire is in a state of mutual recognition without diplomatic relations, with ties having been similarly restored with Sandus in 2019.

Dominel granted protected state status

A new sovereign state, the Kingdom of Dominel, was recently founded by its now monarch, Queen Alexandra I. The new kingdom claims a small area of land bordered by the British county of Norfolk, and is situated nearby to the Austenasian town of Palasia. After diplomatic efforts led by Austenasian prime minister Lord John Gordon – who serves as Representative of Palasia – a treaty was yesterday signed between Alexandra I and Emperor Jonathan I establishing mutual recognition and friendly diplomatic relations between Austenasia and Dominel, as well as making Dominel a protected state of the Empire. Protected states of Austenasia hold a favoured position geopolitically in that Austenasia has pledged to defend them militarily upon their request, but they are not required to provide anything in return. Neither does the Empire assume any control over their foreign affairs or military, as it did with its protectorates (a status held by some states between 2010 and 2012). The Kingdom of the Grove, the Kingdom of Copan, and the Principality of Wildflower Meadows are also protected states of Austenasia.

Relations strengthened with Roman-inspired nations

In the past week, the Empire of Austenasia has signed formal treaties of friendship and recognition with two other nations which claim continuity with the Roman Empire, namely Ovrestlia and Rhomania, and come to agreements regarding their imperial status. Ovrestlia, which has a population of 42 and declared independence from Greece in 2019, signed a treaty with Austenasia on Thursday 10th. Rhomania, which before becoming independent in May this year was the Austenasian Crown Dependency of Mouzilo, signed a treaty with Austenasia yesterday, on Wednesday 16th. Rhomania especially has a culture based on that of the Eastern Roman Empire, with most of its land located within the former borders of such and its official name being the Basileia of the Romans. Emmanuel I & II of Rhomania – also known as Manolis Afentoulis – holds the title of Basileus; although this is translatable as “Emperor”, the treaty signed has agreed that he will be recognised as holding the rank of Caesar, with Austenasia pledging to support his efforts to attain full Augustan rank. The monarch of Ovrestlia – Thomas Marios I – likewise officially claims imperial rank, but under the terms of the treaty signed with Austenasia has agreed to use the title of Hegemon in dealings with the Empire. In return for diplomatic recognition, Ovrestlia has also pledged to cede an area of land to Austenasia, the details of which are currently being arranged. Although Rhomania overtly claims succession from the Roman Empire, Ovrestlia likewise claims a cultural continuity from the same. In both treaties, Austenasia and the other signatory have recognised each other as holding “equal political succession from the Roman Empire and function[ing] as polities of the indivisible and perpetual Roman Empire”, the arrangement which Austenasia also holds with the Holy Roman Empire, Imvrassia, and the Carshalton Nations. These two treaties have therefore expanded and consolidated the sphere of nations mutually recognising each other as claiming and holding the inheritance of Rome.

Emperors to rescind recognition of Reylan imperium

As of 1 October 2019, Emperor Taeglan I Nihilus of the Reylan Imperial Triumvirate will be recognised as holding the rank of Caesar rather than of Augustus, in a major change to rank and precedence on the imperial stage. Following discussions of Emperor Jonathan I with Taeglan I Nihilus and with the government of the Holy Roman Empire, it was decided that the Treaty of Wrythe – by which Austenasia granted recognition to the Reylan claim to imperial rank – would be revoked. The Treaty of Wrythe was signed between Jonathan I and Taeglan I Nihilus at the coronation of the former in February 2013. By the terms of the treaty, the Austenasian and Reylan thrones were both recognised to be of equal Augustan imperial rank. A subsequent agreement in September 2016 between Austenasia and Wyvern, made with the consent of Reyla, legitimated the claim of King Quentin I of Wyvern to restore the Holy Roman Empire. From then onwards, the three emperors reigned in a state of mutual recognition of each other’s claim to imperium. However, the decreased prominence of Reyla on the international stage in recent years – coupled with a decline in its internal activity – led Taeglan I to respond sympathetically to an Austenasian request for a review of its status as an Empire (in the Austenasian/Holy Roman understanding of the term). Specifically, permission was given to revoke the Treaty of Wrythe. The other two Emperors therefore co-authored a declaration on Friday 27th September, in which it was declared that as of 1 October, Taeglan I and his successors as Reylan sovereigns will no longer be recognised as emperors “in the full sense of an imperium-holding monarch of Augustan rank.” From henceforth the Reylan head of state will be recognised as instead holding the rank of Caesar, equivalent to Tsar, but may be referred to as “emperor” out of diplomatic courtesy with the understanding that the actual rank has been downgraded. Similar negotiations among emperors regarding the rearranging and downgrading of ranks took place during the Tetrarchy period of the classical Roman Empire, in the early fourth century. The Austenasian government has been keen to stress that the diplomatic relationship between Austenasia and Reyla remains strong and friendly, despite this change in rank. Indeed, just last week, Taeglan I was given a title of nobility in the annual Independence Day honours list. From 1 October, then, there will be three recognised Emperors: Jonathan I of Austenasia, Quentin I of the Holy Roman Empire, and Naruhito of Japan.

Diplomatic relations restored between Austenasia and Sandus

A treaty was yesterday signed between Austenasia and the State of Sandus, restoring diplomatic ties between the two nations almost exactly three years after they had been cut by the Austenasian government. Diplomatic relations with Sandus were suspended by Prime Minister Lord Admiral Kennedy on 27 July 2016, after the Sandum head of state Sogmo Soergel published accusations that Emperor Jonathan I and Shane Cahill (the latter being the then Chair of the GUM) had masterminded a “conspiracy” to exclude Sandus from the organisation. The accusations were denied, but influenced Cahill’s decision to eventually leave the diplomatic community. This incident took place in the wake of two years of building tension between Austenasia and Sandus, primarily caused by a combination of international controversy surrounding Sandum policies regarding privacy and a growing friendship between Austenasia and Sandus’ long-time rival Wyvern. An attempt was made by the government of Überstadt – which has remained a close friend of both nations throughout this period – in October 2016 to mediate between Austenasia and Sandus, but to no avail. Yesterday’s treaty marks the culmination of discussions which began in November last year, aiming to finally lay to rest the tensions between Austenasia and Sandus. The treaty includes mutual pledges of non-aggression (both militarily and politically), as well as mutual apologies and grants of forgiveness for any wrongdoings in the past. Sandus was a close friend of Austenasia over the first half of the decade, with both nations co-operating in the Grand Unified Micronational and in other initiatives. Sogmo Soergel was one of the heads of state hosted by Austenasia in the first state visit to the country, which took place on 15 July 2012. Although it seems unlikely that Austenasia and Sandus will share such a strong friendship again, this treaty has gone a long way to restoring goodwill by putting the hostility between the two nations in the past.

GUM Summit held at Birmingham

Yesterday saw the first international summit organised by the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM) held at Birmingham. With twelve attendees representing eight GUM member states and Westarctica, the summit was the largest held in the United Kingdom for small nations since PoliNation 2012, seven years ago. Organised by outgoing GUM Chairman Adam I of Adammia, the summit was held in the Guild Council Chamber of the University of Birmingham, the university at which Adam I is currently studying. Adam I was joined by Lady Hermione Peace, his Minister of National Development. Austenasia was represented by Emperor Jonathan I. The summit was, naturally, chaired by Adam I as Chairman, assisted by Jonathan I, who was as Associate Justice and Archivist the next-highest ranking GUM official in attendance. Other attendees were Lord Mike Lewis of Lundenwic, and two diplomatic representatives of Westarctica. Also in attendance were five officials from the micronation of Essexia, three of whom each also represented another GUM member state (Gradonia, Aspen, and Quebec resepectively). The summit saw presentations by attendees, as well as open discussions on law enforcement, international organisations, and economics The summit was also used as an occasion for the signing of the Edgbaston Convention, a treaty aiming to ensure higher standards of accuracy in regards to the sometimes vague or frivolous claims made in the community of small nations. As well as signing the Edgbaston Convention, Emperor Jonathan I also signed a treaty of mutual recognition with the State of Gradonia, courtesy of its Essexian representative. With so many national delegations gathered in one place, the opportunity was held to hold only the second in-person Quorum meeting of the GUM in history. The first had been held at the Tate Modern in July 2012, the day following PoliNation; Jonathan I is the only person to have been present at both. This in-person Quorum was primarily a ceremonial event, but did vote to refuse one membership application and to expel an unprofessional observer state. The summit ended with the playing of national anthems. It is hoped that a similar summit will be held next year.

Prime Minister responds to Adammic PM Lord Saunders’s statement

Lord Admiral Kennedy, Prime Minister of the Empire, has released a statement in response to a statement released by Adammic Prime Minister Lord Saunders. Lord Saunders’s statement, which was publicised by an Adammic Express article released earlier today, condemned the Austenasian government for the third part of the Second Amendment to the Austenasian Constitution of 2011. The section in question of the Second Amendment defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Lord Kennedy has condemned the Adammic Prime Minister’s statement as “indicative of one who acts with naïveté in regards to the accepted practices of diplomacy within the community of small nations,” and described Lord Saunders’s behaviour as “immature and disrespectful to the democratic processes of the Empire.” In his statement, the Prime Minister applauded the Adammic Monarch Adam I’s response to Lord Saunders’s statement and reaffirmed the government’s commitment to maintaining productive and amicable relations with the government of Adammia. The Prime Minister’s statement can be read in full here.

Treaty signed with leaders of Venedia

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor met yesterday evening with leaders of Venedia, and signed a treaty of mutual recognition and friendship with them. Venedia is a Czech organisation which is working towards the creation of a territorial state in Europe, planned to be a constitutional monarchy. Venedia undertakes economic investments to raise money for the purchase of an area of land on which to found the new country. It also manages projects in developing countries to improve education and infrastructure. Emperor Jonathan I met with Jan Linhart, Superior (and prospective future King) of Venedia, and with Marie Lencová, the Secretary of the association, in London. The meeting took place at the Starbucks café by the Tate Modern Museum, the same location at which the only (to date) in-person Quorum meeting of the Grand Unified Micronational took place in July 2012. As Venedia does not yet have an independent territory, the Austenasian government has recognised it as a “sovereign entity under international law”, the same status held by the Order of Malta. Once the Venedian monarchy has been founded, the treaty promises full recognition and support from the Empire.

Recognition treaties signed with Glastieve and Adammia

Over the past two days, diplomatic treaties of friendship and mutual recognition have been signed with the Republic of Glastieve and with the Empire of Adammia. The treaty with Glastieve was signed yesterday, and the treaty with Adammia earlier today. Both Glastieve and Adammia are situated on the island of Great Britain, Glastieve bordered by the West Country and Adammia by Yorkshire and the Midlands. Adammia’s head of state, Adam I, claims the rank of emperor; however, by the terms of the treaty, the Empire of Austenasia has explicitly refrained from granting recognition to this claim, albeit while still recognising Adam I as the sole legitimate Adammian monarch and head of state. Since 2014, the Empire has maintained a policy of rarely entering into diplomatic relations with other small states; these two treaties are the first signed by Austenasia since a treaty was entered into with Ashukovo in May last year. The idea of a state visit to or from Austenasia has already been raised with both Glastieve and Adammia.