Relations cut with Delvera following plot discovery
Emperor Jonathan I and Prime Minister Lord Admiral Kennedy yesterday announced the cutting of all diplomatic relations with Delvera after it was discovered that a member of Delveran government had attempted to provoke a coup in Austenasia. Relations between the Empire and Delvera have been strained for the past month following the reaction of the Delveran government to Jonathan I withdrawing from an online discussion group several weeks ago. It was yesterday announced that Jordan Brizendine, Delveran Minister of the Interior, had approached Iron Lord Daniel Dankovsky, Director-General of the State Intelligence Agency, and suggested he seek to have Emperor Jonathan I replaced with another member of the Line of Succession. This suggestion was of course refused and reported to the Emperor, who confronted Dylan Callahan, leader of Delvera, with the information. Callahan responded that the incident was an example of “trolling,” attempting to downplay the seriousness of the situation. As stated in the joint statement issued by the Emperor and Prime Minister yesterday evening, “whether the proposal was genuine or not, it shows Delvera to be at best unable to control the interactions of its members of government with foreign officials and at worst actively seeking to overthrow the legitimate Austenasian Monarch.” This decisions brings to an end the recent tensions between the Empire and Delvera, as all communications directly from the latter will now simply be ignored.
Relations with Delvera break down
The past few weeks have seen diplomatic relations between the Empire of Austenasia and the Grand Republic of Delvera reach an historic low, primarily due to the inflammatory behaviour of Delvera’s leader, Consul Callahan. Earlier in the month, Emperor Jonathan I was invited to take part in a discussion hosted on Facebook Messenger with Dylan Callahan, Consul of Delvera, and delegates from two micronations who are also members of the MicroWiki community. Being unable to attend the first scheduled session of discussion due to urgent personal reasons, the Emperor noticed that he was referred to in a document drawn up by the others in a way that was disrespectful to his office as Austenasian Monarch. Upon pointing this out, he was met with a tirade of abuse from Callahan, who claimed that his inability to attend the earlier session resulted in the standard courtesy of correct styles of address being waived. Callahan was eventually calmed by the intervention of Rev. Joseph Marx, a longstanding friend of the Emperor who was also present in the discussion group. Another document drawn up was then reviewed, which referred to the participants as all belonging to “micronations”, despite the policy of Austenasia to never refer to itself – or others it recognises as sovereign states – as such in official documents. Callahan then criticised the Emperor’s decision to raise this issue, and referred to Delvera itself in terms which seemed ambiguous in regards to the Delveran government’s attitude to its own independence. Upon unprovoked rudeness from another member of the group, the Emperor decided to leave it as not worth his time. Callahan was contacted in regards to resolving the confusion arising from his statements concerning Delveran independence, and claimed that his government’s “relationship with Austenasia is a top priority” and that he was “very hopeful for mutually beneficial relations moving forward.” It was agreed that diplomatic talks should take place between the Empire and Delvera to resolve the outstanding issues. However, in that time, Consul Callahan has – instead of attempting to schedule talks with the Emperor – spent his time accusing the Austenasian national flag of being “cancerous” on the MicroWiki Forums and accusing the Empire of being unable to conduct diplomatic relations. Where all this leaves the future of Austenasian-Delveran relations remains to be seen. Diplomatic talks are, in theory, still to be scheduled, but nothing yet has come of this endeavour. Consul Callahan is best known in the MicroWiki community for a protest in December last year over the administration’s decision to uphold a ban on foul language being used on the MicroWiki Forums.
Consulate opened in New Delhi
The Austenasian Consulate in New Delhi was officially opened yesterday with traditional Indian prayers and offerings. Dr Kalra, the Empire’s Consul-General at New Delhi, was joined by Swami ji Acharya Sailesh Tiwari, who officiated at the ceremony. Dr Kalra was appointed Austenasian Consul-General at New Delhi by Emperor Jonathan I on 9 March earlier this year. As the Empire has no diplomatic relations with India, the primary functions of unaccredited diplomats such as Dr Kalra is to raise awareness of and support for Austenasia abroad, working more in the field of public relations than diplomacy proper. As the office is a consulate and not an embassy, the Empire has not claimed extraterritoriality for it. However, the consulate will be used as a base for Dr Kalra’s work in spreading awareness of the Empire.
New embassy and ambassador to the United Kingdom
A new Austenasian Embassy to the United Kingdom was officially claimed this morning, the residence of the newly appointed Ambassador to the UK. Lee Cant, a retired accountant who volunteers as an anti-corruption activist, was appointed Austenasian Ambassador to the United Kingdom by Emperor Jonathan I on 4 February. The position had previously been held ex officio by the Chief Ambassador, a remnant of the time when the United Kingdom was the only country bordering the Empire. As of September last year, however, the Chief Ambassador has been Lord Rear Admiral Alastair Cranston of Shineshore; as Shineshore is an exclave of Canada, it was thought time that the offices of Chief Ambassador and Ambassador to the UK were separated, which was done by an Act of Parliament last month. The university accommodation rented by the Emperor during his time at the University of Roehampton was previously claimed as Austenasia’s Embassy to the UK between September 2015 and June 2016. The new embassy – officially claimed this morning – consists of Mr Cant’s own residence in Hackney, London. As Austenasia holds no diplomatic relations with the UK, both ambassador and embassy are primarily ceremonial, with their main function currently being to raise awareness of the Empire rather than to maintain actual diplomatic relations.
Dissolution of St.Charlian recognised
An Act of Parliament was passed last night which finally recognised the Federal Republic of St.Charlie to be defunct. After Prime Minister Alexander Eastwood controversially took supreme power as Chancellor in August 2015, the St.Charlian government effectively ceased to function. After a year and a half of complete inactivity, Eastwood informed Emperor Jonathan I on Saturday 21st earlier this month that he considered the nation “defunct”. Yesterday’s Foreign Affairs Act 2017, amongst other provisions, cites “the inability of the St.Charlian government to continue to function to the extent necessary to exercise sovereignty” as the reason for the Empire revoking recognition of the Federal Republic. Although the inactivity of St.Charlie’s government has long been known, Chancellor Eastwood’s admission that he himself considers the nation defunct has been seen as the official death-blow to the country. Alexander Reinhardt, arguably St.Charlie’s most famous politician, refused suggestions that he should declare himself monarch in an attempt to restore the nation’s sovereignty. St.Charlie was founded as a Kingdom on Christmas Day 2000 by King Patrizio I, who ruled until overthrown in November 2008 by Reinhardt, who established the Federal Republic. For years afterwards, St.Charlie was known as one of the most politically and culturally advanced small nations in the MicroWiki community, with a population peaking at 150 and land claims around the world. Austenasia entered into mutual relations with St.Charlie in August 2009, signing an official treaty of mutual friendship with the nation in December later that year, and the now Emperor Jonathan I met with St.Charlian leaders in 2011 and 2012. A decrease in governmental activity had been noted in St.Charlie by early 2014, which the then President put down to many St.Charlian leaders having to spend more time on other commitments as they grew older. The Presidency was abolished by Prime Minister Eastwood the following year, who declared himself head of both state and government as Chancellor. There has been reaction to St.Charlie’s ‘official’ demise from members of the MicroWiki community. King Adam I of Uberstadt and Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy both reflected on how they had warned Eastwood that his reforms would damage St.Charlie, whereas Mercian diarch Richard Cunningham called it the “End of an era”.
Recognition of Monovia revoked
The Empire revoked recognition of the Principality of Monovia today after over five years of close diplomatic relations. Monovia yesterday renounced its claim to independent statehood, leading to an Imperial Decree being published earlier this evening which revoked recognition of the principality. Monovia – formerly known as Adjikistan and as Libertas – had been a protected state of Austenasia since October 2011, with the Empire responsible for its defence. Situated near the British city of Sheffield, Monovia’s leader, Harry Fitzpatrick, held the rank of Caesar between August 2012 and June 2016. This leaves Austenasia with three protectorates: Orly, Wilcsland, and Wildflower Meadows.
Austenasia-Ladonia treaty signed at Heathrow meeting
The Empire has signed a treaty of mutual recognition with the Royal Republic of Ladonia. Emperor Jonathan I met yesterday evening with Queen Carolyn I of Ladonia and her daughter Crown Princess Greta at Heathrow Airport in the UK. The Ladonian royals were returning to their home in the USA after having visited Ladonia, which is bordered by Sweden. With several hours until their next flight, they invited the Emperor to meet them at the airport. Austenasia recognised Ladonia in February 2013, but due to a busy bureaucracy the Ladonian government never replied to a request for diplomacy. The Emperor and Queen used the meeting as an opportunity to sign an impromptu treaty of mutual recognition. Ladonia is uninhabited, despite having over 17,000 citizens worldwide, and is comprised of a Scandinavian beach that was declared independent from Sweden in 1996 after the local council demanded large sculptures which had been built there to be demolished.
Treaty signed with Westarctica
A treaty of mutual recognition and national co-operation was signed yesterday by Emperor Jonathan I with Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica. The Grand Duchy of Westarctica was founded in 2001, and claims a large part of western Antarctica, which was previously unclaimed by any state or nation. Austenasia previously recognised Westarctica between 2009 and 2010, but withdrew recognition after the temporary collapse of the Westarctican government. Since then, however, Westarctica has been restored to activity by its founder, and in February 2015 gained non-consultative status with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The Empire resumed recognition of Westarctica earlier this week, upon which negotiations for the treaty immediately begun. A signed copy of the treaty has been deposited in the Imperial Library.
Grand Unified Micronational reformed
For much of 2009, the Grand Unified Micronational could have reasonably been described as the United Nations of the MicroWiki community. Earlier today, almost six and a half years after its foundation, the GUM as an international organisation came to an end. The GUM has been through two major reforms in the past – one in February 2012 and another in February 2014 – but today’s reform has seen most of its structures completely disestablished. After several months of declining activity, a consensus was reached by the member states of the GUM that there was no longer a need for a UN-style organisation in today’s MicroWiki community. Instead, the GUM has been transitioned into what could be described as a Skype-based private members club, with national delegates retained as members and the Chairman – Adam Belcher, who oversaw the transition – remaining as administrator. Membership of the GUM is now no longer for delegations representing small nations, but rather for politicians and diplomats acting in a personal capacity. The Empire of Austenasia had formerly been a member state of the GUM since October 2009. Emperor Jonathan I, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, and Prince Andrew I (governor of Corinium Terentium) are included in the members of the new GUM.
Treaty signed with Zealandia over New South Scotland
A treaty with the Commonwealth of Zealandia has been signed by the Emperor and Prime Minister regarding the Austenasian Crown Dependency of New South Scotland. Emperor Jonathan I and Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, along with Queen Astrid of Zealandia, affixed their signatures to the treaty via the Internet. The treaty confirms the arrangement reached in June last year, whereby New South Scotland is governed by the Zealandian monarch as the ex officio governing commissioner of the Emperor, and administered by Zealandia while remaining officially part of Austenasia. Under the terms of the treaty, the defence of New South Scotland is the responsibility of Zealandia, and a new police force will be founded to replace the defunct New South Scotland Constabulary. The treaty can be seen here.