The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Joint Austenasian-Landashir’n Scotland Office opened

The Scotland Office has been founded in Edinburgh by Deputy Chief Ambassador Sir James von Puchow. It will function as a “centre of official communication and diplomatic affairs” and be jointly administered by the Austenasian Foreign Office and the government of von Puchow’s home nation of Landashir, the latter of which will officially host it. The Scotland Office, which was officially established on Monday 5th after the idea was first raised several months ago, is also the consular office of the Empire in Scotland, with von Puchow yesterday appointed Austenasian Consul-General in Scotland by Chief Ambassador Countess Eritoshi. It is hoped that the Scotland Office will be used for hosting summits and meetings between national leaders, with several members of the MicroWiki diplomatic community studying at the nearby Edinburgh University or planning to soon do so.

Ptolemy II takes the throne of Wilcsland

Prince Ciaran, younger brother of Declan I, this morning announced his takeover of the throne of Wilcsland as King Ptolemy II. The previous King of Wilcsland, Declan I – who also ruled as Emperor of Austenasia between 2010 and 2013, and was known in Wilcsland as King Ptolemy I Helios – has lived in London for some months now, having cut off communication with his family and homeland in Wiltshire. Declan I had proclaimed the union of New Wessex between Wilcsland and Orly while still Emperor, but this had collapsed after Orly was liberated from his rule in June last year. He had since effectively abandoned the governance of his own kingdom, to the extent that Austenasia revoked recognition of New Wessex earlier this year. Now, however, Wilcsland has returned. King Ptolemy II has confirmed the dissolution of New Wessex and arranged with Emperor Jonathan I for Wilcsland to become a protected state of the Empire. This marks the end of the reign of Declan I over his native country, where he has reigned since 1999 (albeit with a one-week long interruption in 2006).

Meeting in Putney

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, Countess Eritoshi, and Lady Evren Filgert met in Putney this afternoon for lunch, later joined by the Reylan Emperor Taeglan I, although by this point the Countess had had to leave. Emperor Jonathan I and Prime Minister Countess Eritoshi met Evren Filgert of Porthbokon at a Putney tube station before walking to a nearby restaurant for lunch in celebration of the Emperor’s birthday, which took place yesterday. After eating, the Countess had to depart, and the Emperor and Lady Evren explored the town before meeting Taeglan I Nihilus, Reylan Emperor. This was the first time that the two western Emperors have met since the coronation of Jonathan I. Along with Lady Evren, they went to a coffee shop to buy drinks, and the three spent time talking about various matters. All four individuals who met today study in Greater London, and the idea of future similar informal meetings met with approval.

Dyed fabric arrives from Oregonia

The first item to be sent on an Oregonia-Wrythe trade route arrived at its destination this morning. The item was a rectangular piece of cotton fabric, coloured with dyes produced by the Überstadti company Apotheker from blood-berry bushes (Oregon grape) growing in the Austenasian crown dependency of Oregonia. The berries of the plant produced a red dye, whereas the bark produced a very light yellow dye. The fabric has been dyed in the design of the Austenasian Star, national flag of the Empire. Although future products shipped to Wrythe will be offered for sale amongst the Saint Josephsburg Economic Pact, this first item is being kept for posterity, having been placed in the Imperial Residence to replace a poster put up for the Empire’s fifth anniversary. The shipment of this product, which was paid for via PayPal, sees the beginning of an economic relationship between Überstadt and Austenasia via Oregonia which is hoped to prove prosperous for all involved.

Land in Carshalton given to Renasia

An area of parkland just under half a mile away from the Imperial Residence has been annexed by the Free State of Renasia. Recent discussions between Emperor Jonathan I and Chancellor Kuri Kabanov of Renasia resulted in an agreement that the former would grant an area of land in Carshalton to Renasia after the Emperor suggested it as a means of strengthening Renasian relations with the Empire. Today, by order of the Emperor, a detachment from Centuria II Midgetae occupied a corner of Poulter Park in Carshalton and declared Renasian sovereignty over it at precisely 11:09. The area of parkland has been named the Zone, after some graffiti on the main entrance to the area. This is the first time that Centuria II Midgetae has conquered territory since the War of the Upper Playground in May 2006.        

James von Puchow made Austenasian subject at summit in London

James von Puchow, founder of Landashir and long-time friend of the Empire, became an Austenasian national earlier today at a summit held in central London. Emperor Jonathan I met at Mile End with von Puchow and with Richard Cunningham (a former holder of the offices of GUM Chair and Pope of the Proto-Cults), to be joined later by Sebastian Linden of Francisville. Pierre d’Égtavie of Renasia had intended to attend the meeting, as had Evren Filgert of the recently founded Austenasian town of Porthbokon, but both had to cancel. The Emperor, von Puchow and Cunningham visited the Tower of London and the British Museum before going back to Mile End to meet Sebastian Linden and his significant other. After refreshments, the group went to Mile End Park, where von Puchow was made an Austenasian national by the Emperor under the provisions of an Act of Parliament last week. Von Puchow now holds the status of a non-residential subject, and will soon be appointed Deputy Chief Ambassador to share the workload of the current Chief Ambassador, the Prime Minister Countess Eritoshi.  

Compromise reached over New South Scotland; peace restored

A compromise has been reached between His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and Queen Astrid of Zealandia in regards to the crisis over New South Scotland. The escalation over the Austenasian Crown Dependency, which began yesterday afternoon BST, has come to an end with the restoration of diplomatic relations between the Empire and Zealandia. After discussion between the Emperor and the Queen (which had been encouraged by Lord John Gordon of Palasia, Sir James Puchowski of Landashir, and several others), it was realised that both leaders had made misinterpretations and mistakes, with difficulties in communication arising from the medium of Skype messages and the differences in time zones. Zealandia’s brief claim to have annexed New South Scotland has been withdrawn, and Queen Astrid – also known as Anna Lindstrom – has been reinstated as Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland. The Emperor has passed an Imperial Edict making the position of Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland belong ex officio to the Zealandian head of state, and relinquished “any claim to anything more than de jure sovereignty” over the crown dependency, giving permission for it to be run under Zealandian administration. Under this compromise, New South Scotland will be for all intents and purposes run as if it were a part of Zealandia, but remain a nominal part of the Empire. The Imperial Edict passed by the Emperor can be read here.

New South Scotland invaded as Zealandia condemned for aggression

Despite being roundly condemned by numerous national leaders for her aggression towards New South Scotland, Queen Astrid of Zealandia this morning sent Zealandian troops into the Austenasian crown dependency. Announcing that she had renamed the land “Nyaskane”, Queen Astrid – also known as Anna Lindstrom – claimed to have annexed it into Zealandia, a claim unrecognised by the international community. Claims that this has been done in accordance with the principle of self-determination have been ridiculed, with nobody living on the land and there being no citizens of New South Scotland registered with the Austenasian government. Much confusion has resulted from claims by Queen Astrid she had been “pressured unfairly into dismissing half our government”, asserting that Emperor Jonathan I had been pressuring her to sack her Prime Minister and two high-ranking military officers. The Emperor has clarified that upon her complaining to him that one of said military officers was actively trying to depose her, he suggested she consider dismissing him, but challenged her to produce any evidence that he had ever done anything more, and said that the Zealandian Prime Minister had “never even [been] mentioned”. After Queen Astrid suspended the treaty allowing ZDF personnel to be present in New South Scotland, the Emperor gave 24 hours for them to leave the area before he would consider their presence a violation of sovereignty. Astrid has been ridiculed by some for comparing this action to the British colonisation of Australia (that is, not her troops occupying the land, but them being given time to leave). The actions of Zealandia have been condemned by the international community of small nations: Emperor Jonathan I has given the following statement: It is with great sadness that Our Imperial Majesty has seen the betrayal of our former friend play out before us. Astrid has lied to us, to the Zealandian government, and to those who have tried to help the situation through mediation. Her lies about us cannot be tolerated – nowhere did we pressure her to dismiss the members of her government that she claimed, and we challenge her to prove otherwise. While we advised she dismiss an officer attempting to depose her, this was advice given in a spirit of friendship after she informed us and our Privy Council that she was at risk of losing her throne. We cannot now help but think that this was a ruse to cause us to say something of the sort which she could present to her government as proof of “imperialism” – even she does not seem unstable enough to promote an officer if he had genuinely attempted to overthrow her mere days ago. It is clear that, far from having been forced by her government to invade New South Scotland, she has manipulated them into doing so by feeding them lies about Austenasia. The occupation of New South Scotland is illegal under international law. It is sovereign Austenasian land, and never has been Zealandian. The principle of self-determination has no relevance, there being no New South Scotlander population; Astrid’s claims to herself be a citizen of New South Scotland started only yesterday, after the crisis had begun, having never before claimed this status (which, if she held, would anyway make her guilty of treason for encouraging foreign invasion). Her claims of Austenasia being imperialist and aggressive are so laughable and hypocritical that we would debase ourselves to dignify them with a response. Furthermore, we dishonourably revoke Astrid’s honour in the Austenasian Order, and relinquish our own knighthood from her deceptive nation. In conclusion, the occupation of New South Scotland is an affront to the majesty of the Empire and the customs of civilised nations. However, it is not that which pains us, but the lies, deceit, and betrayal from somebody who for so long has claimed to be our friend. If that friendship was a ruse, a mere trick to be able to occupy some land, then we must condemn Queen Astrid and her actions as truly despicable. ICJA Wrythe, 3 June 2014

Tensions rise as Zealandia threatens New South Scotland

“We have no intentions of war with Austenasia. We are quite happy to poke at the edges.” These were the words sent by Queen Astrid of Zealandia in a Skype chatroom used by members of the MicroWiki community of politicians and diplomats minutes after announcing that Zealandia was on MILRED [“military readiness”, cf. DEFCON] 2, before declaring “God I need another bottle of wine” in another similar chatroom. Tensions have been steadily rising over the past few weeks in regards to New South Scotland, the crown dependency of Austenasia situated near Zealandia which has been governed on the Emperor’s behalf by Queen Astrid – also known as Anna Lindstrom – since its foundation in January 2013. On 22 May, a crisis – unreported in most media outlets – took place in Zealandia. General Rodsson of the ZDF (the Zealandian military) threatened to overthrow Queen Astrid from the Zealandian throne if she did not within a day sanction a Zealandian invasion of New South Scotland. Warning the Austenasian government that she couldn’t “command [her] army’s ambitions much longer”, a compromise was eventually reached after the Zealandian legislature was persuaded to support the Queen. A deal was reached whereby the ZDF would be permitted to use half of New South Scotland in exchange for conquering some new territory for the crown dependency. Queen Astrid designated an area known as Touchwood Forest to be annexed by the ZDF to New South Scotland. However, before the land-transfer deal could be finalised, Astrid announced in the Micropolitan Lounge Skype room on 29 May that Zealandia had “invaded half” of New South Scotland, stating in regards to the crown dependency that it was “really, really tempting to be like to hell with it, ours now [sic]”. Despite later claiming the ZDF entering New South Scotland had not been an invasion, Astrid claimed that “Zealandia has a government and military… that wants to flex some muscle”, and promoted General Rodsson – the rogue officer who had threatened to depose her earlier that week – to her Chiefs of Staff. It was then revealed that Touchwood Forest was not available to be annexed to New South Scotland by the ZDF to begin with, being an area already under Zealandian authority. When confronted about this, Astrid refused to discuss the matter, claiming she was too sleep-deprived to talk further. When next contacted in regards to Touchwood Forest, Astrid revealed that she had not even consulted her government about the land-swap, and claimed that those she had appointed to it regarded Austenasia in the same way the EU regards Russia, despite having signed a treaty of friendship with the Empire a mere two months ago. After being confronted over misinforming the Austenasian government about Touchwood Forest and allowing her government to regard Austenasia as an enemy, Astrid resigned from her position as Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland and as a Privy Counsellor, and changed Zealandia’s “military readiness” to 2 (an actual state of war being 1), later stating that “Tyr (a Norse god of war) will happen now”. Unfortunately, New South Scotland stands practically defenceless; the New South Scotland Constabulary, established by Astrid, was revealed by her several days ago to have been defunct for some time. Although there is little chance that an invasion by Zealandia could be stopped, the Emperor has assured the public that the Empire would easily be able to retake New South Scotland in the future, with several secret Austenasian operatives living in and around the area. The ZDF has been given just under 23 hours (3 June 14:18 BST) to withdraw from New South Scotland, after which the presence of any Zealandian military personnel there will be considered a violation of sovereignty. Zealandia has already been condemned by various small nations for its aggression towards Austenasia. UPDATE 2 JUNE 16:04 – Zealandia has suspended diplomatic relations with the Empire. HIH Countess Eritoshi, Austenasian Prime Minister, has set the DEFCON level of the Empire to 3, its lowest since the England riots in 2011.

Recognition of New Wessex revoked

An Imperial Decree yesterday withdrew Austenasia’s recognition of New Wessex as a sovereign state after it was learnt that the latter has “effectively collapsed”. The United Kingdom of New Wessex was founded in January 2012 as the latest in a long line of successor states of a civilisation based in Wiltshire which could trace itself back to 1995. However, it was recently learnt that any governance of the kingdom has effectively ceased. New Wessex and its predecessor states were absolute monarchies, ruled for the most part by Declan I, who also reigned as Emperor of Austenasia between December 2010 and January 2013 before abdicating and being succeeded by the incumbent Emperor Jonathan I. Austenasia entered into diplomacy with Moylurg (a predecessor of New Wessex) in June 2010, and held very close relations with the kingdom until after the abdication of Declan I from Austenasia, which he had tended to see more as a colonial holding of his native kingdom. Relations between Jonathan I and Declan I quickly deteriorated after the abdication, with the final straw breaking on 24 June later that year when Orly was liberated from the foreign rule of the latter. Very little is known to have been done by Declan I in regards to the governance of New Wessex since its foundation beyond the designing of national symbols and the granting of titles to family members. According to a source close to the Emperor, Declan has no longer “got much time” for New Wessex. Despite mutual recognition having been nominally maintained between New Wessex and the Empire after the Liberation of Orly, the last vestiges of diplomatic relations were cut in August last year. Anti-Wessaxon sentiment has since been high in Austenasia and in the wider Carshalton Nations – for example, in late 2013 the cipher of Declan I was erased from the Copanese Regnal List in an act of vandalism by an unknown Orlian citizen. Both kingdoms of Orly became protected states of Austenasia after their liberation, with their governments requesting defence against any prospective attempts by New Wessex to reconquer them. This would now no longer seem to be a threat. It is likely that many in the Carshalton Nations will celebrate the demise of New Wessex alongside the anniversary of Orly’s liberation on 24 June.