Copanese embassy founded as Wrythe expands
Despite four separate pieces of land joining the Empire only yesterday, Austenasia has expanded once again this evening with the annexation of East Wrythe. This piece of land, comprised of a garden, has been annexed as an exclave of Wrythe, situated roughly a third of a mile from the main town, on a large island of the River Wandle which was named the Island of Wrythe on 10 January earlier this year. This is the first time that the territorial composition of Wrythe has changed since March 2011, when a small piece of land bordering Wrythe granted to the Slinky Empyre was re-annexed after the latter polity collapsed. East Wrythe is adjacent to the house of Queen Emma I of Copan, and has been granted extraterritoriality as an embassy of Copan. Although under Austenasian sovereignty, Copanese law will apply for as long as East Wrythe remains an embassy. This is the first embassy (not counting the symbolic Crepundia) to be founded in the Empire.
New countries recognised by the Empire
Parliament yesterday passed a Foreign Affairs Act granting recognition to Ashukovo, Wyvern, Sabovia, Leylandiistan, and Volfa. Ashukovo, officially the Ashukov Federation, was founded in May last year, and has a population of 48 with land in North America and Europe. Joseph Kennedy, who is Governing Commissioner of the Austenasian Crown Dependency of New Richmond, is Prince of the Ashukov state of Montania and a leading political figure within Ashukovo. The Kingdom of Wyvern, well-known for controversial behaviour of its leaders in the past, was founded in October 2009 when it became independent from the Netherlands. Despite being a prominent member of the MicroWiki community for some years now, Wyvern has only now been granted recognition by the Empire, the two having often held differing diplomatic views in the past. Recent discussions between the Austenasian and Wyvernian governments have led to efforts for there to be friendlier relations between the two states, and a formal treaty with Wyvern is expected to be signed within the next few weeks. The Principality of Sabovia was founded in April 2013 (although has its origins in an entity founded in May 2012) and is located near to the Austenasian Territory of Corinium Terentium, with its governor ruling Sabovia as HM Prince Andrew I. Sabovia has been accepted as a protected state of Austenasia, meaning that the Empire will protect it from any attackers. The Democratic Republic of Leylandiistan became independent from Ireland in November 2012. It has a population of 18 and is led by its president, Fionnbarra Ó Cathail. The four countries already listed have been recognised as sovereign states. However, Volfa, based in Malta, has been recognised as a sovereign nation and not a sovereign state, as, while a group of people with their own culture, it is neither tied to nor controls land claims. It is led by two Sultans, one of whom is the Austenasian ambassador to Malta.
Sebastian Linden visits Wrythe and Orly
Sebastian Linden, a leader of the Federal Republic of Francisville, today visited Carshalton. Linden, who is a member of Francisville’s Federal Council (a body which serves as the country’s collective head of state) and governor of the Francillian canton of Rudno, was met by Emperor Jonathan I at Carshalton station. The Emperor then gave Linden a guided tour of Orly, which is situated very close to the station, before the two walked to the house of Queen Emma I of Copan, where they were served drinks and engaged in discussion with the Queen and some of her friends. Jonathan I and Linden then walked to Wrythe, speaking to Countess Eritoshi (Chief Ambassador and candidate for Austenasian Prime Minister in next month’s elections) via mobile phone on the way. At Wrythe, Linden was introduced to Emperor Father Terry, Emperor Mother Margaret, Crown Princess Caroline and the Imperial Family’s two pet bullmastiffs Rose and Edd. After being shown Wrythe Public Park and its various monuments, Linden had his photograph taken with the Emperor before the two had some food and discussed several matters. Jonathan I then accompanied Linden back to Carshalton station. Austenasia has recognised Francisville – founded in November 2008 – as a sovereign state since 13 August 2012. Francisville does not formally recognise the Empire in return due to its complete lack of any official foreign relations, but has granted tacit recognition to Austenasia several times besides today’s visit, including a letter sent in December 2012 stating the wish of the Francillian government to eventually pursue formal diplomacy with the Empire.
Austenasian-Wessaxon alliance ends
At 11:47 later today, precisely three years after it was signed, the Empire of Austenasia will withdraw from the Treaty of Wilton. The Treaty of Wilton was signed during a state visit by the then Crown Prince Jonathan and other members of the Imperial Family to Moylurg, a predecessor state of what is now New Wessex. It was signed between Crown Prince Jonathan and King Declan I near the River Wylye in the Moylurgian capital Wilton, and established a military alliance between Moylurg and the Empire. Although never used to call either nation to arms in defence of the other, the Treaty of Wilton established a diplomatic link with New Wessex unequalled in strength by any other country recognised by Austenasia. In recent months, relations between Austenasia and New Wessex have swiftly declined, catalysed by the circumstances surrounding the abdication of Declan I from the Austenasian Throne in January and the liberation of Orly from Wessaxon rule in June. Emperor Jonathan I confirmed on 12 July that there had been an “irreparable breakdown in relations and communication” between himself and Declan I in an Imperial Decree which cut many of the ties between Austenasia and New Wessex, including the revocation of the status of Declan I as an Austenasian subject and the relinquishing of Wessaxon titles and citizenship by Jonathan I, and gave notice that the alliance between the two countries would end on 7 August. A further Imperial Decree passed on 5 August removed what was perhaps the only other tie between the nations, the capacity for Austenasian subjects to hold dual citizenship with New Wessex, which had been confirmed in April 2012.
The Emperor returns from Paris
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I has returned to the Imperial Residence after spending five days in Paris. The 2013 Intermicronational Summit which he attended in Paris was also attended by representatives from Francisville, Juclandia, Rukora, Draega, Lostisland, Angyalistan, and the Formori Institute, with a total of nine delegates taking part. The Emperor arrived in Paris on Monday 15th, the first day of the summit. He shared an apartment with Sir Sebastian Linden of Francisville and Pristinia, Tom Turner of Rukora, and Sir Daniel Morris of Draega and Lostisland. The delegates staying in the apartment met most days with King Ciprian I of Juclandia, who was staying in Paris with his girlfriend and cousin. Representatives of Angyalistan and of the Formori Institute were also met on Thursday and Friday evening respectively. The delegates used the five days there to take part in a great deal of discussion on relations between their nations, international politics, and the GUM. They also visited many Parisian landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triumph, Louvre Museum, and Notre Dame Cathedral. A new international residential summit is already being planned for July next year in Perugia, Italy.
2013 Intermicronational Summit begins in Paris
The third summit of politicians and diplomats involving a large number of members of the MicroWiki Community has begun in Paris. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I arrived in Paris yesterday with Tom Turner, leader of Rukora and former Viceroy of Hookwood in the now-defunct Slinky Empyre. They later met with King Ciprian I of Juclandia and his nephew. After eating at a restuarant near to the apartment at which the Emperor and Turner are staying, the group went to Mountmarte hill, from which a view of a large part of Paris can be seen. Sir Sebastian Linden of Francisville will be arriving at the apartment Tuesday afternoon, and Sir Daniel Morris of Draega will be arriving Wednesday morning. Sogoln Yg Ysca of the Formori Institute has also expressed interest in meeting with the summit members at some point later in the week. The summit will last until Saturday 20th, and follows on from the 2011 Intermicronational Summit in Hyde Park and the 2012 PoliNation Summit in Chelsea.
Palasia annexed as ties cut with New Wessex
The Sixth Imperial Decree of HIM Emperor Jonathan I, passed earlier today, has annexed Palasia as a fourth Town of the Empire while cutting most remaining ties with the United Kingdom of New Wessex. The first part of the decree annexes as the Town of Palasia a house near the Norfolk town of Thetford, appointing Lord John Gordon – an inhabitant who has previously run many of his own micronations – as its Baron and Acting Representative. Palasia has a population of four, and spans nearly 1400 square feet. The annexation of Palasia is the sixth expansion of Austenasia since Jonathan I became Emperor in January – since the start of his reign, the Empire has expanded on an average of once a month. Palasia is the fourth Town of Austenasia, joining Wrythe, Zephyria and Thanasia. The second part of today’s Imperial Decree has cut many of the ties between Austenasia and New Wessex. In the decree, the Emperor states that the measures taken are “due to an irreparable breakdown in relations and communication between Our Imperial Majesty and His Majesty the King of New Wessex”. King Declan I of New Wessex, former Emperor himself, was deposed from Orly last month in a rebellion, which has subsequently been hailed a “liberation” from foreign rule by Orlian citizens. The Emperor has confirmed that he has not spoken with Declan I since. The decree has given notice that Austenasia will withdraw from its military alliance with New Wessex on 7 August 2013, which was formed with its predecessor state Moylurg on 7 August 2010. The status of Declan I as an Austenasian subject has been revoked, and Jonathan I has relinquished his Wessaxon title Duke of Atlantos (held since November 2010), relinquished an honorary Wessaxon citizenship, and resigned from his position as Ambassador to New Wessex.
Monovish military joins the Austenasian Army
The army of the Principality of Monovia has joined the Austenasian Armed Forces after a new Monovian constitution was adopted earlier today. Said constitution has entrenched in law the position of Monovia – founded in May 2011 and based near Sheffield – as a protected state of the Empire, a status it has held since October 2012 which means that Austenasia is obliged to defend Monovia if requested. Monovia’s army of six has been given the name of Centuria III Monoviae, and joined Legio I Britannica. This new century of the Austenasian Army has been given standing orders by an Imperial Edict to protect Monovia and its government. Monovia has been a close friend of the Empire since a few months after its founding, and is a fellow member of the GUM.
Crepundia unveiled
A Juclandian community has been established in Wrythe, being officially unveiled earlier today. However, this community has not traveled from Juclandia, nor do its citizens count towards the population of Austenasia. This is because, like the Juclandian city of Jucărești, this new community – named Crepundia – is comprised entirely of toys. The culture of the Kingdom of Juclandia (bordered by Romania) is unique in being heavily based on toys, even counting them as citizens. Crepundia is a joint Austenasian-Juclandian cultural project, with the group of toys serving almost as a symbolic Juclandian embassy. Based in 2 Imperial Road, the fictional origins of Crepundia were explained earlier this year with the release of Cool Barbie VII – Secession. In the film, a group of toys unhappy with their government’s high military spending stage a protest which turns into a riot; they leave the main society of toys and are allowed to set up their own kingdom.