The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

James von Puchow speaks of the future for himself and Landashir

Article by Evren F Yesterday, James von Puchow issued a statement explaining that his two-year involvement with Francisville was coming to an end. A micronationalist of long standing in the micronational community – Mr von Puchow has been nationbuilding for well over a decade – James has decided to cement Landashir’s status as “a politically autonomous collective which operates as a nation state” in order that it may “continue to exist without needing me to prop it up… [so that] the inactivity of my own self would not indicate that Landashir had ceased to exist. Landashir is still my home, but I would like to invest my efforts somewhere else.” James cited personal commitments such as his studies for the reasoning behind the decision, which “was made a long time ago”. Mr von Puchow does not see his announcement as an “announcement of radical ideas” but simply a confirmation of a naturally made decision and stated further that, “I have felt personally disappointed that I have not been able to fulfil any major duties as Premier nor go out and be a diehard micronationalist since I arrived in Edinburgh, but what needs to be stressed is that I am not the country. I have done a lot for it – I built it up – but Landashir can still be a functioning small little country with a government and territory without my constant input. I’ve learned to embrace the feelings of guilt by knowing that I belong to a country, but that country does not necessarily belong to me.” On the subject of James’ intent towards the Empire of Austenasia, he stated that, “The Emperor and I are looking to use my experience as a statesman to work for the Empire’s diplomatic service and embassies, possibly installing me in the office of an Austenasian embassy… The Emperor and I have been very close friends in the professional world, and I have taken time to attend national events in Austenasia and visit. I see a stable, structured nation and a possible new home. They have also embraced democratic institutions and their culture is not too different from my own. However, it can’t be denied that I am a staunch republican, so any oaths I take will have to reflect that although I may give allegiance to an Emperor, I remain loyal to a nation and its people. “I may be a critical voice within the country as a result, but I know that this will not stop me from taking part in Austenasian processes and its culture. Think of it this way – Landashir is my spiritual home and place of rest, but I will live and work with Austenasia. Landashir doesn’t need all my time because it can function without a designated leader or a stack of laws – it is a commune.” When asked about his future plans, hopes and dreams for this new, evolved role in micronationalism, James simply answered that “Plans will simply be to keep everyone updated on how I’m doing – I’m a friend of this entire community and a veteran at the same time. I have asked that my experience be used and somewhat exploited; at the end of the day, I find much comfort in being involved in this community because it realises my passion for politics and talking about what sort of country I wish to live in. We’ve yet to see the fruits of my labour, so I look forward to the future.” An inspiring message for long-standing members of the community everywhere, James von Puchow is a shining example of the evolution of micronational statesmanship. We await further developments with interest.  

Floods in Copan end

Warm weather has resulted in the water which had been flowing into the Copanese capital drying up. The flood began on 8 January earlier this year after heavy rain throughout the winter made an old source of the River Wandle flow for the first time in 15 years. A usually dry riverbed, the Westcroft Canal, filled with water which flowed into the capital of Copan, the Secluded Place, and through it out onto the Plain of Copan (a large field which comprises the majority of the kingdom) to cause flooding. Recent warm weather had caused the water on the Plain of Copan to recede considerably, but until recently water was still flowing into the Secluded Place. This was still the case – albeit at a greatly diminished rate – on Tuesday 13th May, but it was today reported that the water level in Westcroft Canal had fallen to the extent that water was no longer flowing into the Secluded Place. The water which had been flooding the Secluded Place and flowing out from it onto the Plain of Copan has now mostly drained away, with some large puddles remaining. For the first time since the start of the year, the Secluded Place is can now be accessed due to no longer being underwater. However, Smoker’s Wall, a large set of brick and cement steps which are the main entrance to the capital, has been badly damaged by the water, with a breach in the wall and a large crack in the steps. Bits of masonry from Smoker’s Wall and other pieces of assorted debris brought there by the flow of the water now litter the ground of the Secluded Place, but the news has been happily welcomed by Copanese citizens that the flood is finally over.          

Flood waters receding from Copan

Recent warm weather has resulted in the flood waters partially receding from Copan. The Orlian kingdom has been affected by floods since the start of the year when an old source of the River Wandle started flowing again after heavy rain, putting much of the country underwater as an old riverbed refilled with water and brought it into Copan. Sunny weather over late March and the past month has seen the flood waters receding from the Plain of Copan – the large field which makes up the majority of the kingdom – which for several weeks saw those parts of it which were not underwater to be so muddy as to be impassable. Despite the Plain of Copan now being mostly free of flooding, excepting some large puddles remaining in the northern-most corner, the capital of Copan remains flooded. The capital, known as the Secluded Place, has had water flowing down into it over (and, after a breach developed, through) its main entrance Smoker’s Wall since the start of the floods. However, the level of water in the old riverbed (Westcroft Canal) has now fallen to the degree that water is no longer flowing over Smoker’s Wall, but only through the breach in it caused by the floods in February. Should the warm weather continue, it is likely that the water will fall so low so as to no longer be able to flow into the Secluded Place before the end of the month.      

Interview with King Astrid of Zealandia

Their Majesty King Astrid, known outside of Zealandia as Anna Lindstrom and formerly known as Haakon, is King of Zealandia and Governing Commissioner of the Austenasian Crown Dependency of New South Scotland. King Astrid changed her name from Haakon after announcing earlier this year that she was female, and is the first openly transgender monarch known to have ruled in the modern era. The Austenasian Times has conducted an interview with the King: Austenasian Times: After adopting the name Haakon a few years ago, you have recently asked to be known instead by the name of Anna. Could you tell us about your reasons behind that decision? Yes, I changed my name to reflect my gender identification pretty much after coming out. I feel it reflects my gender more better. You’ve previously identified as “genderqueer” – now, however, you identify as female, correct? Yes, it was a process of working through what was inside my head. What laws does Zealandia have regarding transgenderism? Zealandia has a whole suite of laws for recognition of a person’s gender identity and the right to change gender and name, and to protect from discrimination, including the basic protections given in the constitution and the Gender Recognition Act 2014, which also allows a person to change their documents free of charge. You’re the first openly transgender monarch in modern history, and your change of identity seems to have been accepted by several of those in the MicroWiki community. What do you think this says? It says that the MicroWiki community is far more progressive and accepting of people than the communities outside of micronationalism. Of course there are exceptions such as Trace Fleeman, but fascists and their opinions have never mattered much to me. Have you had much opposition to your change of identity? Yes, both from within my family and from the wider Australian community.  Members of my family have had a hard time understanding my identity, and pronouns are always a problem for them; as for the wider community, I have when dressed in feminine clothing I have been threatened with violence and had transphobic slurs hurled my way. Do you have any plans to undergo surgery to change your appearance? Unfortunately Medicare doesn’t cover any form of GRS [gender-reassignment surgery], so despite wanting to fix my appearance there is no way that I could afford it at the moment or for a long time. However it is important to note that surgery doesn’t make the woman or man. Finally, as well as King of Zealandia you also serve as Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland. You recently made Swedish an official language of the Crown Dependency – is there anything else planned for New South Scotland in the near future? With winter coming in the southern hemisphere, things are starting to get fairly quiet but no doubt I’ll come up with some exciting plans for both the Commonwealth of Zealandia and New South Scotland. Thank you for your time, your Majesty.

Coronation of Emma I as Queen of Copan

Emma I was crowned Queen of Copan this afternoon by Emperor Jonathan I. The Emperor, who appointed Emma I to the Copanese throne in June last year after Copan became independent from Wessaxon rule (along with the neighbouring state of the Grove), placed a silver crown on the Queen’s head with the words “As Emperor of Austenasia and Romanorum Imperator Occidentalis, I crown you Emma I, Queen of Copan.” The coronation was held at Beddington Park in the United Kingdom. The capital of Copan is still flooded, and so an alternative place for the ceremony had to be found. This is the first time that the Emperor of Austenasia has physically crowned a vassal monarch. Unlike the coronation of Jonathan I himself, which took place only a month after his ascension to the Throne, the coronation of Emma I has taken place just over nine months into her reign.

10 years since the First Battle of the Grove

Today marks 10 years since the Midget victory in the First Battle of the Grove on 15 March 2004. The battle, fought by the Midget Empire and their allies the Word Life Gang against a group known as the Girly Gang, took place in what is now the Plain of Copan in Orly, but was then known only as part of the Grove Park in Carshalton. This was the final battle in a war which had begun in May 2003 when lands claimed by the Word Life Gang had been invaded and occupied by the Girly Gang. The Midget Empire agreed to come to the Word Life Gang’s aid when its own borders were also breached by the Girly Gang. The Girly Gang numbered about twenty, whereas the allied forces combined outnumbered them by five or six. However, the battle took place after lunch during a school trip, and the teachers supervising the trip detained Midget Master Daniel and much of the Word Life Gang before the battle started due to Daniel having led a pre-emptive attack on their enemies using sticks as swords. Although a sizeable amount of the allied forces had been detained, Emperor Jonathan I – then known as Commander Jonathan – led the remainder of the troops in the battle against the Girly Gang as Daniel’s deputy, building a small base in nearby trees and implementing battle plans with the leaders of the Word Life Gang. Despite being greatly outnumbered, the allies managed to hold out against the Girly Gang for a long time with diversionary and guerrilla tactics until they were finally pushed back to their base. Just as Jonathan’s forces became surrounded, Daniel and the other detained soldiers charged across the field from the lunch site, having been allowed to go by the teachers. The Girly Gang were caught in a pincer movement and forced to surrender. The Girly Gang were made to cede land to the Midget Empire and Word Life Gang, and shortly afterwards dissolved. The Midget Empire emerged as the dominant power in the playground in which it was based, and when Daniel abdicated later that year, Jonathan’s popularity from his leadership in the battle ensured that he became the Second Midget Master, reigning until he left the school in July 2006. A commemoration on the battlefield had been planned, but the current floods in Copan have made this impossible. The First Battle of the Grove is the earliest battle to have taken place in the Carshalton Nations the date of which is known with precision. Two subsequent Battles of the Grove (the second usually referred to without a number to distinguish it, and the third more commonly known as the Battle for Orly) took place during the Austenasian Civil War and the War of the Orlian Reunification respectively, in May and in December 2010.

Exclusive interview with new St.Charlian President, Sir Alexander Reinhardt

Sir Alexander Reinhardt is a founding citizen of the Federal Republic of St.Charlie, who helped to lead the revolution in November 2008 that overthrew the old Kingdom. Prime Minister from 2009 to 2011, and then again from 2012 to 2013, Reinhardt was recently elected the fourth President of St.Charlie, taking office on 8 March. The Empire and St.Charlie have engaged in formal diplomacy since August 2009, signing a treaty of mutual friendship and co-operation in December later that year. The Austenasian Times has conducted an exclusive interview with the new president: Austenasian Times: First things first: how did your inauguration ceremony go? We’ve seen a photograph uploaded to Facebook, but who was present and what took place? Reinhardt: It was pretty good, I guess! First Judge Michele Vicentini was there, then we had President Lunam with Deputy PM Nicolò Alvisi and two other citizens who came directly from Tor Pendente, one of them was an Observer journalist. The Secretary of the FUCM [a St.Charlian trade union] was also there. We had the swearing, then I signed the official documents and we had dinner together. The inauguration was followed by a party, but some of us don’t remember all of it, to be fair. Haha, sounds fun. Now, for the sake of those who are not aware, what are your functions in St.Charlie as President? St.Charlie is a federal parliamentary republic. As such, my duty as President is not only to nominate the Government, and protect the Constitution, but also to represent the nation and its unity. While it could be seen a very ceremonial figure, the President is literally the physical representation of St.Charlie in the micronational sphere. Some observers have regarded St.Charlie as recently being on the decline in terms of governmental activity and international influence. What would your response to them be? We’ve all grown up a bit, which led to a decline in terms of online presence, so it is true that there is a difference with the past years. However, this doesn’t mean that we’re not as active as before internally, which I think is the most important thing to preserve in a micronation. We’ve become a bit like our long-time friend and ally, Flandrensis: we exist, we do things as usual, but we don’t publish it much, and many see it as a decline in internal activity. It’s more complicated than what it looks like. It’s good to know we’re not in any danger of losing you all! PoliNation 2014 in Italy is only a few months away, an event which you are helping to organise. What else do we have to look forward to during your term of office? My predecessor, James Lunam, did a wonderful job in preserving the identity of our nation. However, he was mostly seen in the Italophone sector. For instance, he recently set up a journalism award for Italian micronationalists named after Nick Maggiore. I am planning to continue his policy, but increase my presence in the English sector too. Finally, you have been with the modern St.Charlie right from the beginning, when you took part in the movement that transitioned the old Kingdom into the current Federal Republic. Over five years have passed – are you pleased with how St.Charlie has grown in that time? Yes, I am very pleased with what we have now. Most micronations die with their founders, and we have reached the point where even those who weren’t there in 2008 are political leaders and active citizens. So far, it’s probably the thing I am most proud of. Good luck for your term, your excellency, and thank you for your time. Thanks a lot!

Devastation in Copan as floods continue

The Secluded Place, capital of Copan, has been cordoned off after water from what used to be a dry river-bed continues to flow into it, coinciding with torrential rain. Last month, Westcroft Canal – an old tributary of the River Wandle in Carshalton which is usually dry – started to flow again after heavy rain, flowing down into the Secluded Place. Smoker’s Wall, the brick structure leading down into the capital, became a waterfall, but now the upper wall has broken under the pressure of the water, with the water no longer flowing over the main structure but strongly gushing down past one side, revealing that a large crack has appeared in Smoker’s Wall. Sutton Parks Service, which has continued to maintain The Grove Park after it became independent from the United Kingdom in July 2010 as Orly (of which Copan is a constituent country), has set up barriers around the Secluded Place warning people of the steep slippery slopes and the fast-flowing water. It was reported earlier this month that some Orlians had attempted to dam the pipe which carries water from the United Kingdom into Copan so as to stop the flooding, but to no avail. The water flowing through the Secluded Place has nowhere to go once it reaches the end, spilling out onto the Plain of Copan (the large field which makes up the majority of the country) and resulting in most of the kingdom being either flooded or extremely muddy. The Playing Field – a large area comprising roughly two-fifths of Copan – is completely cut off, as it is surrounded on most sides by fences and its only entrances are blocked by floodwater. As well as the flooding and the damage to Smoker’s Wall, the Secluded Place has also had a tree blown over by strong winds last night. Westcroft Canal is expected to keep flowing for several more weeks at least, with more damage likely to take place over that time. An album of photographs of the flooding can be seen here.

Joseph Kennedy becomes Pope

Joseph Kennedy yesterday assumed the role of Pope of the Parva-Religions. The Pope leads the Divine Church of the Parva-Religions, an institution designed to promote the culture (specifically religious aspects) of small nations. Kennedy, who is Governing Commissioner of the Austenasian Crown Dependency of New Richmond, has taken the papal name of Alexander IV. He is the eleventh individual to hold the office, which derives its origins from a cat-worshipping cult founded in 2004 in a predecessor state of New Wessex. Kennedy’s predecessor, Pope Ezekiel I (better known as Richard Cunningham), founded the Church of the Parva-Religions together with Bradley of Dullahan last June. Formerly, the Pope was a spiritual advisor to Declan I, King of New Wessex, chosen by him from the members of the Orlian College of Cardinals, a body which was theoretically meant to advise him on the culture of Orly but only ever contained foreign leaders who he had appointed to the group as an honour. After the liberation of Orly from his rule last year, an argument between Declan and the cardinals resulted in them breaking away from his control under the leadership of Bradley of Dullahan, who together with the then pope founded the Divine Church by merging the Papacy with the College of Cardinals to create a single and independent institution. Currently, the Divine Church is in somewhat of a state of disarray. The responsibilities and functions of the former cardinals within the new system are not thought to be precisely delineated, and Kennedy was not elected to the position but was simply nominated by two former popes after the office had been left vacant for over two weeks after the resignation of his predecessor. Kennedy has stated that he wishes to reform the governing body of the church, and to make its “presence in the [MicroWiki] community more known”.

Floods in Copan as old source of Wandle flows

The capital of Copan has flooded after heavy rain caused an old source of the River Wandle to start flowing again. Westcroft Canal, which runs from the Grotto in Carshalton Park to the Secluded Place (or “Smokers’ Wall”), capital of Copan, has been dry for many years now, but over the past few days it has become full of water after heavy rain. The canal is now flowing over the entrance to the Secluded Place (a large depression in the ground surrounded by trees), creating a waterfall and stream in the capital. It is thought that the Secluded Place would once have been totally underwater – there is a grated pipe at its other end, through which the water has flowed and made a large part of the Plain of Copan completely waterlogged. Located in Carshalton Park, the Grotto was the original source of the Wandle before drying up late last century, and fed the current source, Carshalton Ponds (another source of the river arises in Croydon). According to the Sutton Guardian, this is the first time in 15 years that heavy rainfall has caused the water-table to rise sufficiently for the source at the Grotto to flow, filling Westcroft Canal with water. Queen Emma of Copan has expressed dismay at her capital being flooded, but reflected on the fact that Westcroft Canal has prevented the water it now holds from flooding other areas. A short video of the flooding of Copan can be seen here – to reclarify, everything shown in the video would usually be dry. UPDATE 19 JANUARY 18:00 – Water continues to flow over the entrance to the Secluded Place, with the flow if anything having increased. Large parts of the Plain of Copan are now completely waterlogged.