“MicroWiki schism” comes to an end
The dispute which began in 2012 over which website should be considered the “true MicroWiki” came to an end yesterday evening, when Wikia staff officially renamed micronations.wika to MicroNations Fandom. The website generally considered MicroWiki is at micronations.wiki, but another, smaller wiki at micronations.wikia – known by most as “MicroWikia” – has for six years now claimed to be the “true” MicroWiki due to being the original domain at which the community was founded. The MicroWiki community left the Wikia site in 2010 in order to create a website independent from the Wikia corporation, but two years later some younger users left MicroWiki and reactivated the original website in a successful attempt to start their own community. Attempts to heal the rift were rejected by Wikia staff, who encouraged the new community in order to maximise advertisement revenue. It had been intended for the original Wikia site to be left as an archive, displaying a “snapshot” of the community as it had been in 2010. However, subsequent editing and deletions by the break-off community lost a substantial amount of community and micronational history. Poor leadership and generally immature users at MicroWikia prevented it from being seen by most as a serious alternative to the independent MicroWiki, but the very existence of the break-away community remained a sad reflection on the inability of some members of the wider community to work together. Over the past few months, Emperor Jonathan I was able to get himself appointed as a leading administrator on the Wikia site, and lead the way in petitioning Wikia staff to rename the website. With micronations.wikia no longer officially claiming the MicroWiki “title”, the rift between the two communities is formally at an end. Although the community remaining at MicroNations Fandom is very small compared to that of MicroWiki, the fact that the former no longer claims the same name will make it far easier for its users to co-operate and interact with the main MicroWiki community.
Robert Lethler revealed as Sebastian Linden
Sebastian Linden, Steward of Rudno, shocked the MicroWiki community yesterday evening by revealing that he had been the creator of and true identity behind “Robert Lethler”. Robert Lethler was the name used by an individual who claimed to be the leader of “Erusia”, a micronation which through its claims of an impressively active political system and developed socialist culture was able to achieve a high level of diplomatic influence over the early MicroWiki community. From late 2008 to mid-2010, Lethler acted as one of the main architects of the MicroWiki community, serving both as an administrator of the website and holding high office in the Grand Unified Micronational. In July 2010, a dossier – co-authored by none other than Sebastian Linden – exposed Erusia as entirely fictional, and Lethler as a fake persona. Lethler departed the community, leaving behind rumours that his guidance of the community had been a socio-political “experiment”. Other than three subsequent, brief returns to the community’s Skype rooms – the last of which was in March 2012 – “Robert Lethler” disappeared from history. Linden’s surprise announcement yesterday evening that he had been Lethler all along was verified when he logged into an old Skype account previously used by Lethler. Numerous other pieces of evidence were put together in support of his claim, conclusively proving that Robert Lethler had been Sebastian Linden all along.
The Lord Admiral’s Corner: On the revived Grand Unified Micronational
This article is one of a series of editorials from Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy known as The Lord Admiral’s Corner, where the Prime Minister will give his thoughts and opinions on issues affecting the micronation.org community. The opinions expressed in this series are the personal views of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Austenasian Times or the Austenasian Government. I’ll admit, I was skeptical when His Imperial Majesty the Emperor told me of plans to revive the Grand Unified Micronational. As a younger man, I was a very influential delegate from the now-defunct Ashukov Federation. I campaigned for the Chairmanship three times, though only the second one was successful. I was instrumental in the creation of the now-defunct GUM Library and established a committee dedicated to enacting a new Charter (which failed to accomplish its goal following the end of my term). I was as instrumental in attempting to revive the GUM as I was in its disestablishment as an organization; I was one of the first to advocate for its disestablishment and I served as the last Vice-Chairman of the old GUM under Adam of Adammia, my former rival and electoral opponent. Eventually, I came to agree with efforts to revive the GUM for a few reasons: the lack of discourse between nations in this community and the rise of the very capable (with some exceptions) “new guard.” When the GUM was disestablished, there ceased to be a hub for intermicronational diplomacy, with the only other major organization remaining being the then-relevant and active Saint Josephsburg Economic Pact, which is currently planned to be dissolved by the remaining member-states. This community has needed something like this to revive discourse between numerous micronations and to ensure stability. One of the reasons the old GUM failed was because, for a time, the number of lower quality new nations was exceptionally higher than the number of higher quality new nations (and because, against my advice, Quorum would vote to let anybody in, but that’s another story for another time). As older nations began to die off, a void was opened that newer nations weren’t able to fill. Now, with the rise of nations such as Mcarthia, Roseland, Zenrax, and the return of Koss, the GUM has enough higher quality nations to not totally stagnate. As a former Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Supreme Judge, I have some advice to give the members of the new GUM. First of all, as dreadful as this might sound, I strongly recommend the newer delegates wait an election or two before seeking the office of Chairman. Now, I understand why you might dislike this advice because I once attempted to run for the Chairmanship against King Ciprian of Juclandia after only serving as a delegate for around six months. In retrospect, I was nowhere near experienced enough to lead an organization such as the GUM. Now, as a former Chairman I can tell you that the job is no walk in the park (as a matter of fact, I wouldn’t accept the position if Quorum unanimously begged me to). It’s extremely time consuming, doubly so now due to the increase of the Chairman’s mandate from three to six months. It’s also extremely stressful – one mistake and Quorum will ridicule you (especially if you’ve made political enemies and rivals, which I did and I’m sure most delegates will do). Numerous past Chairmen (myself included) have stories of the job being so stressful they quite literally broke down for a time. Finally; please, for the love of God, don’t admit just anyone into the GUM as a full member. My personal recommendation is to refuse admission to any nation which hasn’t existed for at least six months (before anyone points out that Ashukovo was a GUM member from day one of its existence, Ashukovo was a successor state of a prior GUM member-state and all Ashukov politicians were seasoned micronationalists with at least six months of experience), doesn’t maintain active relations with at least five full member-states and can’t compose a decent MicroWiki article. That doesn’t mean you should shun most of these nations entirely (excluding lost causes such as joke nations and obvious fakes), just advise them to seek observership so more seasoned members can help them improve and then seek full membership. I believe the new GUM can be a positive force in the modern MicroWiki community so long as the new delegates avoid the errors of the past. I will serve as an Austenasian delegate and will occasionally voice my opinion and vote in Quorum, but at present I don’t plan on seeking office in the GUM. I wish the new and old delegates the best of luck and offer them my wholehearted support. HIH Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, Duke of Bohemia
MicroWiki bought by the Emperor
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I has become the new owner of MicroWiki.org after buying it from former owner Pierre d’Égtavie. D’Égtavie, who has hosted the website since it became independent from the Wikia organisation in November 2010, announced via Facebook at the start of the month that he was “looking to transfer ownership of the site to someone who… [he felt could] keep it alive”. The Emperor put in a bid for the website, which was soon accepted in principle, with details of the transferral of ownership being discussed over several days. The transferral of ownership took place this afternoon, with the Emperor taking control of the financial and administrative management of the website. MicroWiki is a website that hosts a wiki and forums which are a major focal point for the foreign relations of Austenasia and many of the states with which it has the closest diplomatic relations, with a vibrant community of politicians and diplomats having grown up around it since the first incarnation of the wiki was founded in 2005. The acquisition of the website by the Emperor has already been welcomed by several individuals on its forums, as well as via Skype and Facebook.
The Emperor returns from Paris
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I has returned to the Imperial Residence after spending five days in Paris. The 2013 Intermicronational Summit which he attended in Paris was also attended by representatives from Francisville, Juclandia, Rukora, Draega, Lostisland, Angyalistan, and the Formori Institute, with a total of nine delegates taking part. The Emperor arrived in Paris on Monday 15th, the first day of the summit. He shared an apartment with Sir Sebastian Linden of Francisville and Pristinia, Tom Turner of Rukora, and Sir Daniel Morris of Draega and Lostisland. The delegates staying in the apartment met most days with King Ciprian I of Juclandia, who was staying in Paris with his girlfriend and cousin. Representatives of Angyalistan and of the Formori Institute were also met on Thursday and Friday evening respectively. The delegates used the five days there to take part in a great deal of discussion on relations between their nations, international politics, and the GUM. They also visited many Parisian landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triumph, Louvre Museum, and Notre Dame Cathedral. A new international residential summit is already being planned for July next year in Perugia, Italy.
2013 Intermicronational Summit begins in Paris
The third summit of politicians and diplomats involving a large number of members of the MicroWiki Community has begun in Paris. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I arrived in Paris yesterday with Tom Turner, leader of Rukora and former Viceroy of Hookwood in the now-defunct Slinky Empyre. They later met with King Ciprian I of Juclandia and his nephew. After eating at a restuarant near to the apartment at which the Emperor and Turner are staying, the group went to Mountmarte hill, from which a view of a large part of Paris can be seen. Sir Sebastian Linden of Francisville will be arriving at the apartment Tuesday afternoon, and Sir Daniel Morris of Draega will be arriving Wednesday morning. Sogoln Yg Ysca of the Formori Institute has also expressed interest in meeting with the summit members at some point later in the week. The summit will last until Saturday 20th, and follows on from the 2011 Intermicronational Summit in Hyde Park and the 2012 PoliNation Summit in Chelsea.
Jonathan I returns to MicroWiki Community
Emperor Jonathan I has announced the end of a self-imposed period of partial withdrawal from the MicroWiki Community which started earlier this year. His Imperial Majesty announced on 7 March that he would stop active editing on MicroWiki and withdraw from the majority of Skype chatrooms associated with its users “so as to be able to better focus… time and effort on revision” for his A2 exams (the second year of the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level), the last of which took place today. The Emperor has now completed courses in sociology, law, and politics, the results of which will be revealed on 15 August. He intends to study at the University of Roehampton in September along with Countess Eritoshi of Memphis, who finishes her exams next week. Since 7 March, Jonathan I has made less edits on MicroWiki than he did in the last week of February alone. He has also made a total of seven posts on the MicroWiki Forums, having previously had an average of over a post a day since joining the forums in January 2011. His Imperial Majesty announced his full-time return to the MicroWiki Community earlier this afternoon.
Jonathan I announces temporary withdrawal from MicroWiki
Earlier today, I recieved the results for the A2 modular exams which I took in January. They weren’t bad, but I could have done better, and I will need to do better in order to achieve grades good enough to be accepted into Roehampton, the university that the Countess of Memphis and I both have offers from and plan to go to in September. I have come to the decision to partially and temporarily withdraw from the MicroWiki Community so as to be able to better focus my time and effort on revision for my final exams, which take place at the end of May and start of June. I have withdrawn my candidacy in the GUM elections for Supreme Judge, leaving Quentin as the only candidate. In the now probable event that he becomes Supreme Judge, I will send him my work on the compilation of GUM motions and conventions that I have been working on, with explanatory notes on how I was conducting my work and what the best way for him to continue with it would be. I apologise for letting down all those who voted for me. In regards to the GUM as a whole, I will not allow the Empire to remain a full member until June with no activity seen from it, but I will be missing the occasional Quorum session. An hour or so each fortnight isn’t much to ask, but from now on I shall be making revision my top priority and cannot promise to attend each and every scheduled Quorum session. I reaffirm, however, the central position of the GUM in the Empire’s foreign affairs and Austenasia’s commitment to remaining a full member. I will still be coming online on Skype pretty much as regularly as I always have done, and I will be available for private conversations, but I will withdraw from all micronational chat rooms other than the GUM rooms and the Yellow Bear Micronational. I will no longer be on the Forums, and will no longer be doing any work on wiki articles, other than perhaps to make some minor updates now and then if necessary. Production of Cool Barbie will continue, but at a much slower rate – expect to see Episode VIII released in the summer, not later this month. Do not confuse this with an announcement that Austenasia is becoming “inactive”. The Empire shall continue to function, as it always has done, in “real life”. Whether or not its head of state uses a certain website as frequently as before makes no difference to that. This period of self-imposed withdrawal shall begin immediately, and will end after my exams are over some time in early June. Getting the grades to get into Roehampton University is now my top priority. No fighting while I’m gone! ICJA Cheam, 7 March 2013
Austenasia voted most influential MicroWiki nation
The Empire of Austenasia was voted the most influential nation in the MicroWiki Community in the latest of a series of regular surveys released yesterday evening. The first MicroWiki Influence Survey took place on 4 October 2010 and disregarding a 5 month-long hiatus last year the surveys have taken place every month or two months since – yesterday’s was the Twelth. Users of the microwiki.org.uk website are asked to submit a list of 25 micronations in the community in order of their percieved influence, with the nations given points accordingly. Halfway through the voting period, a Midway Table is released showing the scores so far, and a Final Table is released a few days afterwards with the official scores. Austenasia came first with 279 points, only just beating the Free State of Renasia (278 points) and the Federal Republic of St.Charlie (276). This was a very close race for first place – the micronation in fourth place had 240 points. Nemkhav leader Marka Mejakhansk said that he doesn’t “see Austenasia getting lopped off the top point any time soon”, and St.Charlian diplomat Lucas Campos stated that “Austenasia should be in the top for a long time now”. However, Francillian politician Sebastian Linden expressed surprise that the Empire came first, and that in his opinion the top place should have gone to Renasia. HIH Crown Prince Jonathan described the Influence Survey as “just a popularity contest”, but still expressed happiness at the Empire being voted into the prestigious first place. The State of Sandus came 6th (207), the Community of Landashir and Kingdom of Juclandia came joint 7th (190), the Technological Federation of Erephisia came 9th (164), the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis came 12th (135), the Kingdom of Überstadt came 16th (97), the Federal Republic of Francisville came 18th (83), and the United Kingdom of New Wessex came 21st (49). This is the first time that the Empire has reached first place. Austenasia reached the top spot on the Midway Table of the Eleventh Survey in September, but lost out to St.Charlie in the Final Table – likewise, the Empire came second to St.Charlie in July’s Tenth Survey. Austenasia has consistently been voted as being in the top four most influential nations on MicroWiki since the Sixth Survey in December 2011.
“Apocalypse” caused by vodka
System operator of microwiki.org.uk Pierre d’Égtavie admitted earlier today that the reason for MicroWiki being offline yesterday was due to him having “a shot or two of vodka”. MicroWiki, the web-based wiki and forums which are a major focal point for Austenasia’s foreign relations, has hosted a diverse and vibrant community of politicians and diplomats since it was founded in 2005, with Prime Minister HIH Crown Prince Jonathan joining in late 2008. When he attempted to access the site yesterday afternoon, he was met with a countdown ticking away to 15 days, with ominous background music and a heading of “Goodbye”. Contact with other MicroWiki users via Skype revealed that the community was in a panic over what this could mean for the site, with Ultamian leader David Salapa declaring the apparent imminent closure of the site an “apocalypse”. A few hours later, the countdown was replaced with a message from M. d’Égtavie apologising for the inconvenience and announcing that normal site access would resume in several hours. The website is now back to normal, but not before worry and uncertainty spread amongst the community – several users advised others to join them in saving back-ups of articles using Google’s cache system, and administrator Alexander Reinhardt offered to buy the site should d’Égtavie wish to resign as system operator. Earlier today, d’Égtavie informed members of the Micropolitan Lounge chatroom on Skype that he’d “decided that everyone hated [him] and that [he] should close the site” after consuming some vodka – after putting up the countdown, he went to have a bath before returning to find the MicroWiki community in panic on Skype. Sober again, he reassured users that the website would not be closed, and stated that his actions were precisely the reason that he usually doesn’t drink. M. d’Égtavie has since informed users that there are several safeguards against a deletion of the site, including several regularly updated back-ups. Zealandian leader Haakon Lindstrom and Siroccan leader Daniel Anderson have both said they are “disappointed” with d’Égtavie’s actions. However, the Prime Minister has come out in defence of the system operator. Commenting on another news article on the situation, he urged people not to “forget all the hard work M. d’Egtavie has put into the wiki over the past two years – he is an incredibly competent admin, and nobody should forget that because of a single mistake”.