New embassy and ambassador to the United Kingdom
A new Austenasian Embassy to the United Kingdom was officially claimed this morning, the residence of the newly appointed Ambassador to the UK. Lee Cant, a retired accountant who volunteers as an anti-corruption activist, was appointed Austenasian Ambassador to the United Kingdom by Emperor Jonathan I on 4 February. The position had previously been held ex officio by the Chief Ambassador, a remnant of the time when the United Kingdom was the only country bordering the Empire. As of September last year, however, the Chief Ambassador has been Lord Rear Admiral Alastair Cranston of Shineshore; as Shineshore is an exclave of Canada, it was thought time that the offices of Chief Ambassador and Ambassador to the UK were separated, which was done by an Act of Parliament last month. The university accommodation rented by the Emperor during his time at the University of Roehampton was previously claimed as Austenasia’s Embassy to the UK between September 2015 and June 2016. The new embassy – officially claimed this morning – consists of Mr Cant’s own residence in Hackney, London. As Austenasia holds no diplomatic relations with the UK, both ambassador and embassy are primarily ceremonial, with their main function currently being to raise awareness of the Empire rather than to maintain actual diplomatic relations.
Dissolution of St.Charlian recognised
An Act of Parliament was passed last night which finally recognised the Federal Republic of St.Charlie to be defunct. After Prime Minister Alexander Eastwood controversially took supreme power as Chancellor in August 2015, the St.Charlian government effectively ceased to function. After a year and a half of complete inactivity, Eastwood informed Emperor Jonathan I on Saturday 21st earlier this month that he considered the nation “defunct”. Yesterday’s Foreign Affairs Act 2017, amongst other provisions, cites “the inability of the St.Charlian government to continue to function to the extent necessary to exercise sovereignty” as the reason for the Empire revoking recognition of the Federal Republic. Although the inactivity of St.Charlie’s government has long been known, Chancellor Eastwood’s admission that he himself considers the nation defunct has been seen as the official death-blow to the country. Alexander Reinhardt, arguably St.Charlie’s most famous politician, refused suggestions that he should declare himself monarch in an attempt to restore the nation’s sovereignty. St.Charlie was founded as a Kingdom on Christmas Day 2000 by King Patrizio I, who ruled until overthrown in November 2008 by Reinhardt, who established the Federal Republic. For years afterwards, St.Charlie was known as one of the most politically and culturally advanced small nations in the MicroWiki community, with a population peaking at 150 and land claims around the world. Austenasia entered into mutual relations with St.Charlie in August 2009, signing an official treaty of mutual friendship with the nation in December later that year, and the now Emperor Jonathan I met with St.Charlian leaders in 2011 and 2012. A decrease in governmental activity had been noted in St.Charlie by early 2014, which the then President put down to many St.Charlian leaders having to spend more time on other commitments as they grew older. The Presidency was abolished by Prime Minister Eastwood the following year, who declared himself head of both state and government as Chancellor. There has been reaction to St.Charlie’s ‘official’ demise from members of the MicroWiki community. King Adam I of Uberstadt and Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy both reflected on how they had warned Eastwood that his reforms would damage St.Charlie, whereas Mercian diarch Richard Cunningham called it the “End of an era”.
Changes to New Richmond
An Act of Parliament was passed this morning which ceded some areas of New Richmond to the United States of America whilst annexing some to it back from the USA. North New Richmond and the western half of Saint Josephsburg were ceded to the USA, while two new areas of land were annexed to New Richmond. These two new areas are yet to be named by its town council. As a result of these changes, New Richmond (and therefore the Empire as a whole) has made a net gain of roughly 23,895 square feet and a net loss of one resident. New Richmond is set to gain the status of a city on 9 January next year, meaning that they will elect a Mayor in their next local election.
Cities Act passed
His Imperial Majesty the Emperor earlier this morning granted Imperial Consent to the Cities Act 2016. The Act of Parliament allows certain towns to be given the status of cities, and designates Wrythe (the capital) and New Richmond (Austenasia’s largest and most populous town) as the Empire’s first two cities. Wrythe and New Richmond will officially become cities in January. Cities will not only elect a Representative to elect them in Parliament, but a Mayor to oversee their local government. The Cities Act specifies that Mayors will be elected alongside Representatives in local elections, but forbids the two offices from being simultaneously held by the same person.
Environmental Office downgraded to Home Office department
An Act of Parliament, granted Imperial Consent this morning, has downgraded the Environmental Office from a government ministry to a department of the Home Office, renaming it to the Environmental Agency in the process. The Environmental Office was founded in February 2009, administered by the Minister for the Environment. This office has now been renamed to the Under-Secretary for the Environment, and the holder of the position will be appointed by the Home Secretary. The Environmental Agency retains all the powers and functions that were held by the Environmental Office. Emperor Jonathan I, who appointed himself Minister for the Environment after the resignation of Lord Charles Clarke in September, has remained as Under-Secretary for the Environment. Speaking to the Austenasian Times, His Imperial Majesty said that “the care of Austenasia’s natural environment should not be seen as an issue separate from others, but as an intrinsic part of our government’s care for the Empire as a whole. All policy decisions made in regards to the internal affairs of Austenasia must be taken with the natural environment constantly in mind, not as an issue to be dealt with by another ministry, and so we felt it appropriate to merge the Environmental Office into the Home Office at the suggestion of His Imperial Highness the Prime Minister.”
Annexation restrictions introduced as Lichtenstein and Heischierland ceded
Stringent restrictions were introduced in regards to the Empire claiming new land this morning after Austenasian sovereignty over the town of Lichtenstein and the crown dependency of Heischierland was abandoned due to a single person wishing to leave the Empire. Lord Charles Clarke – also known by a variety of pseudonyms throughout his political career – became an Austenasian in June 2013 after offering the then Territory of Emperorsland to Austenasia. Emperorsland expanded in 2014, annexing a neighbouring house inhabited by Lord Charles and his family, to become the Town of Lichtenstein. Later that year, the family’s holiday home was annexed as the Crown Dependency of Heischierland. Lord Charles has been an Austenasian official for over three years, and held four Cabinet positions at varying times. However, after announcing that he no longer wished to be a part of the Empire, the government found itself forced to cede Lichtenstein and Heischierland after losing the only person who was able to administer them. In the Act of Parliament passed this morning which ceded said land, tough new regulations have been introduced to prevent any future annexations of land which could be rendered ungovernable by the departure of a single person. From henceforth, any offers of land to the Empire must be approved by the Home Secretary before being considered by Parliament. The Home Secretary must ascertain (amongst other criteria) that more than one person is willing to administer the offer of land, and that the majority of any inhabitants wish (rather than just consent, as was the case with Lord Charles’ family) to become Austenasians. With the loss of the two areas of land administered by Lord Charles, the Empire’s population has dropped by three to 84.
New town founded as another leaves the Empire
The new town of Ionathanopolis was founded earlier today, while Harenfall returned to Norway. The Ionathanopolis and Harenfall Act 2016, given Imperial Consent this afternoon, annexed Ionathanopolis to the Empire while ceding Harenfall to Norway. The entirety of Harenfall’s population voted to abstain in last month’s local election; it had previously been agreed by Harenfall and the imperial government that such would be considered a vote for secession by the former, Harenfall’s Representative having raised the issue some months previously. Harenfall has therefore been ceded by the Empire back to Norway, the country which previously held sovereignty over the town, due to a wish by its population to become solely Norwegian once more. The Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, stated in Parliament that it was “sad to see a town go, but the people of Harenfall have exercised their right to self-determination and Parliament has concurred.” The Act of Parliament reserves the right for Austenasia to reassume sovereignty over Harenfall “should such be in accordance with the wishes of its population, and/or if the Norwegian government proves incapable of governing it.” Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the new town of Ionathanopolis – consisting of a residential property with a population of five – has been annexed to the Empire after its residents requested to join. An enclave of the U.S. state of South Carolina, Ionathanopolis replaces Harenfall as Austenasia’s tenth town. Lord Peter Palaiologos, who has been granted the noble title Count of Mentavlos, has been appointed Ionathanopolis’ Acting Representative.
Sanjib Bhattacharya granted non-residential subjectship
H.E. Professor Sanjib Bhattacharya has been made a non-residential subject of Austenasia, raising the Empire’s population to 88. Since August last year, Professor Bhattacharya has served as Austenasia’s Ambassador-at-Large for the States bordering India, as well as Consul-General at Mumbai. He was instrumental in the appointment of the Empire’s incumbent ambassadors to Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka, and has worked hard to increase awareness of Austenasia online and in his local community. In gratitude for his hard work for the publicity and diplomatic advancement of Austenasia, Professor Bhattacharya was granted Austenasian nationality in an Act of Parliament passed yesterday. As well as working as an Austenasian diplomat, Professor Bhattacharya is also the CEO of an award-winning translation service. Non-residential subjectship of Austenasia is held primarily by governors of uninhabited land. The granting of it by Parliament to others is a rare honour.
Military reform act passed
Emperor Jonathan I yesterday gave Imperial Consent to the Armed Forces Act 2015. The Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy – the author of the legislation – released a statement briefly describing the main points of the Act: “The Armed Forces Act 2015 has codified the rank structure of the Armed Forces in a code similar to that used by the United States Armed Forces, has completely reformed the ranks of the Imperial Air Force, and has established the Joint Administrative Chiefs for the overall administration of the Armed Forces during peacetime.” The Austenasian Armed Forces (AAF) are comprised of the Austenasian Army, the Imperial Navy, and the Imperial Air Force (IAF). The new legislation also adopted flags for the three branches of the AAF. The Austenasian Army currently has 27 personnel, the Imperial Navy has 18, and the Imperial Air Force has 6.
Parliament approves constitutional amendments
The First Amendment to the Austenasian Constitution of 2011 has now been approved by Parliament and will enter into force on 20 September. Several amendments to the constitution (explained here) were proposed last month by Emperor Jonathan I, the first time that any change to the constitution has been formally proposed since its adoption in September 2011. Constitutional amendments require approval in a referendum and the approval of over 80% of the Representatives in Parliament. The Monarch must also give their consent. A referendum held on 31 August had 89.47% of voters (with a turnout of 77.55%) support the amendments. An Act of Parliament was soon proposed to implement the amendments, to which nine out of the ten Representatives would have to support in order to reach the threshold of over 80%. As soon as the ninth Representative gave their support last night, the Emperor granted Imperial Consent to the Act, making it law. Now that Parliament has approved of the amendments, they will come into force at one second past midnight on the morning of Sunday 20th September. In other news, the Emperor has announced that 13 September was the first day of autumn 2015 in the Austenasian calendar.