The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Independence Day party held at Imperial Residence

A celebration attended by various dignitaries was held yesterday at the Imperial Residence in celebration of Austenasia’s tenth Independence Day. The party, hosted by Emperor Jonathan I and his parents, was attended by Princess Hannah of Wildflower Meadows, Adam I of Adammia, Lord John Gordon of Palasia, the two leaders of Lundenwic (a nation with which Austenasia does not currently have diplomatic relations but is in the process of negotiating), and Lord Michael and Dame Rosalind (uncle and aunt of the Emperor). For most of the guests, it was their first time meeting each other in person, and so plenty of friendly discussion was able to be had. Various parlour games were also played towards the end of the evening. Several of the guests took the opportunity to sign the Wrythe Convention, an international treaty condemning falsehoods, deception and sockpuppeting within the community of small nations. The very first physical Austenasian flag to be made was hung up in Parliament Hall, having been taken out of storage for the occasion. Each attendee received a complimentary commemorative coin, and several guests were also granted peerages and knighthoods by the Emperor.

Recognition treaties signed with Glastieve and Adammia

Over the past two days, diplomatic treaties of friendship and mutual recognition have been signed with the Republic of Glastieve and with the Empire of Adammia. The treaty with Glastieve was signed yesterday, and the treaty with Adammia earlier today. Both Glastieve and Adammia are situated on the island of Great Britain, Glastieve bordered by the West Country and Adammia by Yorkshire and the Midlands. Adammia’s head of state, Adam I, claims the rank of emperor; however, by the terms of the treaty, the Empire of Austenasia has explicitly refrained from granting recognition to this claim, albeit while still recognising Adam I as the sole legitimate Adammian monarch and head of state. Since 2014, the Empire has maintained a policy of rarely entering into diplomatic relations with other small states; these two treaties are the first signed by Austenasia since a treaty was entered into with Ashukovo in May last year. The idea of a state visit to or from Austenasia has already been raised with both Glastieve and Adammia.