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Austenasian Times

Online news for the people of the Empire

Huge expansion for the Empire

The land area of the Empire has increased by almost 83% with the annexation of the Principality of Sabovia and the foundation of a new territory in central Europe. Sabovia, a principality located near to the Austenasian Territory of Corinium Terentium, was founded in April 2013 by its leader Prince Andrew I. The principality has now dissolved, with the small inhabited areas returning to the United Kingdom and the large uninhabited areas joining Corinium Terentium, which is governed by the now Lord Andrew Creed. A further expansion has taken place in the Czech Republic, where a roughly 12,000 square foot area of uninhabited land through which a part of the Rokytka river flows has been annexed as the Territory of Aurora. Aurora is governed by its founder Lord Karl Friedrich, who has been granted non-residential subjectship of the Empire. These two annexations, which took place early on Saturday morning, have increased the land area of the Empire to over 104 acres in total. The Austenasian Times apologises that news of this expansion was not published earlier, due to technical difficulties with internet access.  

Grand Unified Micronational reformed

For much of 2009, the Grand Unified Micronational could have reasonably been described as the United Nations of the MicroWiki community. Earlier today, almost six and a half years after its foundation, the GUM as an international organisation came to an end. The GUM has been through two major reforms in the past – one in February 2012 and another in February 2014 – but today’s reform has seen most of its structures completely disestablished. After several months of declining activity, a consensus was reached by the member states of the GUM that there was no longer a need for a UN-style organisation in today’s MicroWiki community. Instead, the GUM has been transitioned into what could be described as a Skype-based private members club, with national delegates retained as members and the Chairman – Adam Belcher, who oversaw the transition – remaining as administrator. Membership of the GUM is now no longer for delegations representing small nations, but rather for politicians and diplomats acting in a personal capacity. The Empire of Austenasia had formerly been a member state of the GUM since October 2009. Emperor Jonathan I, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, and Prince Andrew I (governor of Corinium Terentium) are included in the members of the new GUM.

Subjectship granted to foreign members of the government

The status of Austenasian subjects has been bestowed upon some members of the Austenasian government who did not already hold it, increasing the population to 36. Subjectship was given to Dux Sir Joseph Kennedy, Governing Commissioner of New Richmond; Tribune Jacob Lewis, Governing Commissioner of Terentia; and Prince Andrew I, Governor of Corinium Terentium. These three individuals have governed Austenasian land for several months now, but remained citizens of foreign countries (the USA and Ashukovo, the USA and Juclandia, and the UK and Sabovia respectively). Having been given the option to become Austenasian nationals, these officials accepted and were granted the status by Parliament earlier today. Austenasia has laws forbidding dual citizenship with any country other than the UK in most cases, but Parliament has the power to make exceptions to these rules. The other three Governing Commissioners of the Empire have been given until 1 July to accept the offer of Austenasian subjectship, until which they can be granted the status by a mere public declaration of the Monarch. Members of the population can be either subjects or residents, or hold both statuses simultaneously. Residents are those who live in the Empire (currently 30 people) whereas subjects are those who have the right to vote in a general election. While most subjects also live in the Empire, not all do – as well as the three people granted subjectship today, the status is also held by former emperor Esmond III and by two military veterans, all non-residents.

New countries recognised by the Empire

Parliament yesterday passed a Foreign Affairs Act granting recognition to Ashukovo, Wyvern, Sabovia, Leylandiistan, and Volfa. Ashukovo, officially the Ashukov Federation, was founded in May last year, and has a population of 48 with land in North America and Europe. Joseph Kennedy, who is Governing Commissioner of the Austenasian Crown Dependency of New Richmond, is Prince of the Ashukov state of Montania and a leading political figure within Ashukovo. The Kingdom of Wyvern, well-known for controversial behaviour of its leaders in the past, was founded in October 2009 when it became independent from the Netherlands. Despite being a prominent member of the MicroWiki community for some years now, Wyvern has only now been granted recognition by the Empire, the two having often held differing diplomatic views in the past. Recent discussions between the Austenasian and Wyvernian governments have led to efforts for there to be friendlier relations between the two states, and a formal treaty with Wyvern is expected to be signed within the next few weeks. The Principality of Sabovia was founded in April 2013 (although has its origins in an entity founded in May 2012) and is located near to the Austenasian Territory of Corinium Terentium, with its governor ruling Sabovia as HM Prince Andrew I. Sabovia has been accepted as a protected state of Austenasia, meaning that the Empire will protect it from any attackers. The Democratic Republic of Leylandiistan became independent from Ireland in November 2012. It has a population of 18 and is led by its president, Fionnbarra Ó Cathail. The four countries already listed have been recognised as sovereign states. However, Volfa, based in Malta, has been recognised as a sovereign nation and not a sovereign state, as, while a group of people with their own culture, it is neither tied to nor controls land claims. It is led by two Sultans, one of whom is the Austenasian ambassador to Malta.