The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Imperial Family celebrates Christmas

Christmas Day was yesterday celebrated across the Empire. His Imperial Majesty supported UNICEF in his annual Christmas message. In the morning, the Imperial Family attended a service at Carshalton Methodist Church, joined by the Boxall family (the maternal relatives of the Emperor) and other Austenasians. The Imperial Family later hosted the Boxalls at the Imperial Residence for Christmas dinner, presents, and parlour games. Emperor Jonathan I published his yearly Christmas speech on YouTube, quoting from a work which reflects on the contrast between traditional, peaceful views of the Nativity and the grim story of the Massacre of the Innocents, asking his listeners to consider areas of the world today where children are under threat and asking for support for UNICEF, a charity currently working to alleviate suffering in Yemen. Christmas Day has been a public holiday in Austenasia since the country’s foundation. An Imperial Edict was published last year designating Christmas Eve as a day which local authorities can choose to also make a public holiday.

Easter celebrated by the Imperial Family

Easter was yesterday celebrated by the Imperial Family, and across the Empire. Austenasia recognises both Western Easter and Orthodox Easter as public holidays, which this year fell on the same date. Emperor Jonathan I attended a midnight service on Saturday evening at his church, the Greek Orthodox Church of Ss. Constantine and Helen, whereas the rest of the Imperial Family joined the population of Zephyria at a morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church. On Sunday afternoon, Jonathan I and Princess Consort Hannah were hosted with the rest of the Imperial Family at the residence of the Boxalls, the maternal relatives of the Emperor. An evening buffet was enjoyed, and board games played. Western Easter is calculated by the Gregorian calendar and observed by Protestants and Roman Catholics, whereas Orthodox Easter is calculated by the Julian calendar and observed by the Orthodox Church. The two Easters are therefore usually observed separately, but sometimes – as on this year – fall on the same date. This last happened in 2014, and will not occur again until 2025.  

First IGS Expedition held under new rules

The extended Imperial Family yesterday embarked on their annual New Year’s walk on Wimbledon Common, classified as an Imperial Geographical Society expedition under new rules for the organisation. In an Imperial Edict, Emperor Jonathan I laid out rules for the Imperial Geographical Society (IGS) in regards to its structure and the launching of expeditions. Any excursion in which two or more IGS members are partaking may be made an official IGS expedition after obtaining authorisation from the Director of the IGS. Yesterday’s walk, led by Lord Michael, was designated an IGS expedition with four of the eight taking part being members of the society. It is traditional for the immediate Imperial Family to have a walk on Wimbledon Common with the Boxalls (the family of Emperor Mother Margaret) on New Year’s Day, with the walk moved to 2nd January should the 1st be a Sunday. The expedition first explored woodland north of the famous Wimbledon Common Windmill, passing by the Queensmere and Kingsmere ponds, and then traversed the golf course and woodland south of the windmill. In the Imperial Edict, Jonathan I also directed that IGS expeditions “must do everything that is reasonably possible to refrain from damaging the natural environment”. The Imperial Geographical Society was founded in 2009. Yesterday’s expedition was the fifteenth since its foundation, and the third to Wimbledon Common.

Christmas 2016 celebrated by the Imperial Family

Christmas has been celebrated by the extended Austenasian Imperial Family over the past few days. Christmas Day (Sunday 25th) begun with the immediate Imperial Family opening presents in Parliament Hall, then joining the population of Zephyria and the Boxall family (the relatives of Emperor Mother Margaret) for a morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church. Emperor Jonathan I spent the rest of the day with his fiancée Princess Consort Hannah at her house, while the rest of the Imperial Family spent the day at the Boxalls’ house. Emperor Jonathan I released his Christmas broadcast on YouTube, which can be heard here. On Boxing Day (Monday 26th), the Imperial Family hosted the Boxalls and Princess Consort Hannah in the Imperial Residence for the afternoon and evening. A buffet was provided and parlour games enjoyed. Finally, yesterday (Tuesday 27th), the Princess Consort again joined the Imperial Family as they hosted the Allens, family friends of the Imperial Family, for an evening meal. The Austenasian Times hopes all its readers have had a Merry Christmas, and wishes you all a happy 2017.

Christmas 2015 celebrated in Austenasia

The past few days have seen Christmas celebrated across the Empire. On Christmas Day, Friday 25th, the populations of Wrythe and Zephyria attended a morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church. The Imperial Family then had Christmas dinner at the residence of the Boxalls (the maternal relatives of the Emperor). On Boxing Day, Saturday 26th, roles were reversed with the Boxall family being hosted at the Imperial Residence by the Imperial Family. Also joining them was Princess Consort Hannah, the Emperor’s unmarried partner. Emperor Jonathan I published his third annual Christmas broadcast on YouTube on Christmas Day, which can be heard here. In the speech, he reflected on the events of 2015 and on the meaning behind celebrations and anniversaries. Furthermore, Pontifex Maximus Alexander III (also known as Bradley of Dullahan) published a Christmas encyclical, which can be read here. The Austenasian Times wishes all its readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Consuls appointed as New Year Wimbledon Common walk goes ahead

New Year’s Day 2015 has been heralded with the appointment of the year’s consuls, with a traditional walk on Wimbledon Common going ahead despite participants dropping out. The Prime Minister, Countess Eritoshi, has appointed as the Consuls for 2015 her sister Lady Imogen Easton, Baroness of Thanasia, and the Heir to the Throne, Crown Princess Caroline. The two Consuls of Austenasia are the Empire’s highest judicial authorities, with the duty of passing sentence on convicted criminals. However, due to Austenasia’s amazingly low crime rate, their function is mostly ceremonial, primarily being used to name the year after. Meanwhile, a New Year’s Day walk on Wimbledon Common traditionally undertook by the immediate Imperial Family and their relatives the Boxalls went ahead, despite long-standing participants who would customarily have organised it dropping out. Since the early 1990s, members of Raynes Park Methodist Church had organised the annual walk on the common, but this is the first year when none of them were able to go on the walk, either due to old age or having moved away. However, the Emperor’s relatives decided to maintain the family tradition and hold the walk regardless, later going to a restaurant for lunch.

Imperial Family celebrates Christmas 2014

Christmas has been celebrated by the extended Austenasian Imperial Family over the past few days. Christmas Day (Thursday 25th) begun with the immediate Imperial Family opening presents in Parliament Hall. The Emperor Father then went to visit an elderly friend for the morning while the rest of the family attended the Christmas morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church with Emperor Grandmother Joyce, the Boxall family (the relatives of Emperor Mother Margaret) and the population of Zephyria. The Imperial Family and Boxalls then had Christmas lunch at the Imperial Residence, followed by opening presents and playing parlour games. Christmas Day ended with a light supper. Emperor Jonathan I released his second Christmas broadcast on YouTube. This broadcast reflected on the events of 2014 and on the concept of family, and can be heard here. On Boxing Day (Thursday 26th), the Boxalls hosted the Imperial Family for the afternoon and evening. The Austenasian Times hopes all its readers have had a Merry Christmas, and wishes you all a happy 2015.  

Easter celebrated by the Imperial Family

Easter was celebrated yesterday by the Imperial Family, and across the Empire. Easter Sunday, which is an official public holiday in Austenasia, was celebrated with members of the Boxall family (the relatives of the Emperor Mother) visiting the Imperial Residence, where a meal of roast lamb was eaten. Chocolate Easter eggs had already been handed out amongst the Imperial Family at the start of the day. Commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the day was also observed with attendance at church services. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor went to a midnight service on Saturday evening at the Greek Orthodox Church of Ss Constantine and Helen, and the other members of the Imperial Family went to a morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church. Crown Princess Caroline was given a bag of chocolate eggs by the Emperor to share amongst the children at the latter church.      

Consuls appointed as New Year heralded

Today begins the year of the consulship of Eritoshi Augusta and Imperator Caesar Jonathan Augustus. The Prime Minister, Countess Eritoshi of Memphis, has appointed herself and Emperor Jonathan I as this year’s consuls, Austenasia’s highest judicial authorities after whom the year is named in formal documents. In Wrythe, the New Year was brought in with the immediate Imperial Family playing party games and watching coverage of the fireworks display in the British capital. The two consuls wished each other a happy new year over Skype mere seconds after the clock struck twelve, with the Emperor then joining his family in singing Auld Lang Syne. It is traditional for the Imperial Family to join their relatives the Boxalls and some members of Raynes Park Methodist Church (formerly attended by the family) on a walk around Wimbledon Common on New Year’s Day. Despite torrential rain, the turnout of twelve was the same as last year’s, although the walk was considerably shortened.

Christmas celebrated by Imperial Family

The extended Austenasian Imperial Family has had two days of Christmas celebrations. Christmas Day (Wednesday 25th) begun with the immediate Imperial Family opening presents in Parliament Hall before meeting Emperor Grandmother Joyce and attending the Christmas morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church, also attended by Lord Marshal William and (the former Prince of Copan) Sir Joseph. The Imperial Family then went to the house of the Boxall family (the relatives of Emperor Mother Margaret) for Christmas lunch and more presents. On Boxing Day (Thursday 26th) the situation was reserved, with the Emperor Grandmother and the Boxalls being hosted in the Imperial Residence with a buffet lunch and tea, playing board games and receiving some more gifts. For the first time, the Emperor has published a Christmas broadcast. In his speech (which was uploaded to YouTube), Emperor Jonathan I reflects upon the past year of growth in both land and population for Austenasia, and expresses his wishes that next year will be just as good for the Empire.