IGS revisits Sheepleas despite heavy rain
The Imperial Geographical Society (IGS) today conducted an expedition to Sheepleas, attempting to retrace a route last taken in 2010. In a sign of his continued involvement in some non-governmental institutions following the recent implementation of a regency, the expedition was led by Emperor Jonathan I, the Society’s Director-General. The 2010 IGS expedition had first explored Sheepleas, a nature reserve in Surrey, before walking through woods and farmland in West Horsely, forming a figure-of-eight route centred on the 11th century St Mary’s Church. However, today’s expedition was unable to follow the whole of 2010’s route due to torrential rain significantly impeding their progress. The expedition reached the church in double the time it had expected to take, and so had lunch there in the shelter of its porch before deciding to cancel the northern circuit of the route and head back via another path through the nature reserve. Sheepleas is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, notable for the diversity of its plants and wildlife as well as being of geological interest. Ten people were on today’s expedition. The IGS has conducted an expedition to areas of countryside in Surrey on the first Monday of May every year since 2009, with the exceptions of 2018, 2020 and 2021. The Emperor and his parents were joined by Emperor Mother Margaret’s brother Lord Michael and his wife Lady Rosalind, as well as five members of Carshalton Methodist Church. The heavy rain made it difficult for recording equipment to be used, but a short video of the expedition composed of what was able to be filmed will be uploaded in the coming days.
Imperial Family celebrates Christmas
The past few days have seen Christmas celebrated by the Imperial Family, with the Emperor’s annual broadcast including some important news for next year. Christmas Day, Monday 25th, saw Emperor Jonathan I join his parents and his sister the Crown Princess as they attended the morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church, where both Crown Princess Caroline and Emperor Mother Margaret gave readings from the Bible. Afterwards joined by Empress Hannah, the Imperial Family travelled to the Boxall residence, home of the Emperor’s maternal relatives, where they were hosted for Christmas dinner by Lord Michael, Duke of Merton and his wife Lady Boxall. On Boxing Day, Tuesday 26th, the Boxalls were hosted at the Imperial Residence while Jonathan I and the Empress visited Empress Hannah’s parents. Christmas Day saw the publication on YouTube of the Emperor’s annual Christmas broadcast. In the broadcast, His Imperial Majesty reflected on the need to bring peace through love to others, and looked back on a year which has seen Austenasia’s fifteenth anniversary, his Decennalia, and the expansion of parliamentary representation to non-residentials. The Emperor also used the broadcast to give formal notice of a general election to take place on February 12th next year. The incumbent Prime Minister, Lord William Wilson, has already stated he will not be running, whereas his predecessor Lord John Gordon has stated that he will. His Imperial Majesty furthermore announced that the general election will take place alongside a referendum to amend the constitution, both to entrench parliamentary representation for non-residentials but also to make various other changes, the details of which will be announced in due course. Candidates for the 2024 general election will be confirmed by January 15th. Christmas decorations in the Imperial Residence will remain up until January 5th, Twelfth Night, the traditional date on which they are to be taken down.
Imperial Family celebrates Christmas under coronavirus restrictions
A toned-down Christmas Day was yesterday celebrated by the Imperial Family due to restrictions currently in force in neighbouring areas of the United Kingdom to protect people from the spread of coronavirus. Christmas would usually see the immediate Imperial Family hosting or being hosted by the relatives of Emperor Mother Margaret for Christmas dinner, but in order to help prevent Covid-19 spreading between households, new restrictions brought in earlier this month by the British government have forbidden different families from meeting. Plans to allow up to three households to meet together over Christmas were cancelled after a new strain of the virus was discovered in England. The Imperial Family was, however, able to attend the customary morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church, albeit wearing masks, socially distanced from other families, and with no congregational singing, as per the rules imposed regarding corporate worship. Emperor Jonathan I did not give his usual Christmas broadcast, instead delegating that honour to the Prime Minister, Lord John Gordon. The broadcast will be published at some point over the wider Christmas season, prior to the New Year. The Emperor was, however, able to wish the people and supporters of Austenasia a merry Christmas in a post on the Empire’s official Facebook group, in which he shared photographs taken of the Imperial Family’s visit to church that morning. The customary Christmas cards to Austenasian and foreign dignitaries were also successfully sent off. With the success of ongoing vaccination efforts, next year’s Christmas should hopefully see a return to relative normality.
Emperor announces changes for 2020 in Christmas broadcast
His Imperial Majesty the Emperor used his annual Christmas broadcast to announce that February 2020 will see a general election and the secession of New Richmond and Terentia from Austenasia. He has also revealed exclusively to the Austenasian Times that the Town of Augusta will be joining them, and was not mentioned in his broadcast due to a mistake. The three towns will create a new Commonwealth of New Virginia, to be recognised as an independent state. New Richmond is the most populated single town of the Empire, with 15 inhabitants, and is home to the current Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Kennedy. Augusta – which was part of New Richmond before becoming its own town in June this year – has three inhabitants, and Terentia has six. New Richmond and Terentia both originally joined Austenasia in 2013. It is understood that their desire to leave Austenasia and create their own country is primarily due to the growth of their own local identity and culture during this time. With the impending departure of the incumbent Prime Minister’s hometown, a general election has been called for 12 February 2020. At the time of writing, the Whig Party is expected to put forward Lord John Gordon and the Fatherland Party Lord Dionisiy Tezdzhan-Smahin as candidates. Applications for candidacy will be confirmed by the Emperor by 15 January. The Christmas broadcast was published this morning on YouTube, and can be heard here. Jonathan I has broadcast a Christmas message every year since his ascension to the Throne in 2013. Other than the publication of the Emperor’s Christmas broadcast, the Imperial Family celebrated Christmas Day by attending a morning church service at Carshalton Methodist Church and later opening presents and enjoying a Christmas meal at the Imperial Residence. The Imperial Family was joined at the church service by members of the extended Imperial Family as well as the former residents of Zephyria. Although most of the Imperial Family is Methodist, Emperor Jonathan I joined the Orthodox Church in 2011. He attended a service at his own church yesterday for Christmas Eve, but often attends the morning Christmas Day service at the Methodist church with his priest’s blessing in order to spend time with his family at Christmas. During this year’s service, Jonathan I and Crown Princess Caroline were invited to light all five of the Advent candles to mark the beginning of the service. Christmas wishes have been sent to and received from numerous foreign national leaders by cards and e-mails.
Imperial Family celebrates Christmas
Christmas Day was yesterday celebrated across the Empire. His Imperial Majesty supported UNICEF in his annual Christmas message. In the morning, the Imperial Family attended a service at Carshalton Methodist Church, joined by the Boxall family (the maternal relatives of the Emperor) and other Austenasians. The Imperial Family later hosted the Boxalls at the Imperial Residence for Christmas dinner, presents, and parlour games. Emperor Jonathan I published his yearly Christmas speech on YouTube, quoting from a work which reflects on the contrast between traditional, peaceful views of the Nativity and the grim story of the Massacre of the Innocents, asking his listeners to consider areas of the world today where children are under threat and asking for support for UNICEF, a charity currently working to alleviate suffering in Yemen. Christmas Day has been a public holiday in Austenasia since the country’s foundation. An Imperial Edict was published last year designating Christmas Eve as a day which local authorities can choose to also make a public holiday.
IGS Expedition to Warlingham
The Imperial Geographical Society has conducted a successful expedition of exploration through woods, farmland and suburbs in and north of the British town of Warlingham. The expedition was led by John of Zephyria, and was comprised of fifteen people, the largest number of people to have been on an IGS Expedition since 2011. Emperor Jonathan I and Emperor Mother Margaret were amongst those taking part, with the other members of the expedition being from Carshalton Methodist Church, at which the walk was advertised. The expedition encountered several areas of interest, including a disused chalk quarry and a beautiful patch of bluebell woods. A steep hill near the start/end point of the expedition has been named Hyerdunscar Hill by the IGS, in memory of the recently deceased Edd (Hyerdunscar being the kennel that bred him). Photographs and videos were taken of the expedition, and a short film narrated by the Emperor can be seen here.
Easter celebrated by the Imperial Family
Easter was yesterday celebrated by the Imperial Family, and across the Empire. Austenasia recognises both Western Easter and Orthodox Easter as public holidays, which this year fell on the same date. Emperor Jonathan I attended a midnight service on Saturday evening at his church, the Greek Orthodox Church of Ss. Constantine and Helen, whereas the rest of the Imperial Family joined the population of Zephyria at a morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church. On Sunday afternoon, Jonathan I and Princess Consort Hannah were hosted with the rest of the Imperial Family at the residence of the Boxalls, the maternal relatives of the Emperor. An evening buffet was enjoyed, and board games played. Western Easter is calculated by the Gregorian calendar and observed by Protestants and Roman Catholics, whereas Orthodox Easter is calculated by the Julian calendar and observed by the Orthodox Church. The two Easters are therefore usually observed separately, but sometimes – as on this year – fall on the same date. This last happened in 2014, and will not occur again until 2025.
IGS Expedition revisits original route
An expedition of the Imperial Geographical Society (IGS) yesterday retraced the route of its original expedition in 2009, through woods and farmland south of the British village of Bletchingley. The 2009 expedition was the very first launched by the IGS, which had then been in existence for barely two months. Twenty seven people participated in total, with it remaining to date the largest expedition of the IGS. Yesterday’s expedition walked the same route as that taken in 2009, comparing the area today with how it was seven years ago. A small detour had to be taken to find an alternative spot for lunch, with the gate to the clearing used during the original expedition having been locked by the landowners. There were only eight people on yesterday’s expedition; far smaller than the original, but numbering one more than last year’s May bank holiday expedition. Yesterday’s expedition was led by Emperor Jonathan I, with other members of the Imperial Family taking part alongside members of Carshalton Methodist Church. A film of the expedition can be seen here.
Christmas 2015 celebrated in Austenasia
The past few days have seen Christmas celebrated across the Empire. On Christmas Day, Friday 25th, the populations of Wrythe and Zephyria attended a morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church. The Imperial Family then had Christmas dinner at the residence of the Boxalls (the maternal relatives of the Emperor). On Boxing Day, Saturday 26th, roles were reversed with the Boxall family being hosted at the Imperial Residence by the Imperial Family. Also joining them was Princess Consort Hannah, the Emperor’s unmarried partner. Emperor Jonathan I published his third annual Christmas broadcast on YouTube on Christmas Day, which can be heard here. In the speech, he reflected on the events of 2015 and on the meaning behind celebrations and anniversaries. Furthermore, Pontifex Maximus Alexander III (also known as Bradley of Dullahan) published a Christmas encyclical, which can be read here. The Austenasian Times wishes all its readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
IGS Expedition to Friday Street and nearby woods
The Imperial Geographical Society has conducted an expedition through woods to the south of the British hamlet of Friday Street. The expedition was led by John of Zephyria, and included Emperor Jonathan I and Emperor Mother Margaret. Since 2009, it has become customary for the IGS to launch an expedition on the first Monday of May exploring rural areas of Surrey, accompanied by several members of Carshalton Methodist Church. This year, the turnout was unfortunately rather small; including the three Austenasians, only seven people took part in the expedition, compared with over twenty in 2009 and 2010. The expedition set off south from Friday Street, turning west before reaching Leith Hill and then stopping for lunch at the village of Holmbury Saint Mary before walking north-east through Abinger Common to arrive back at its starting point. After the expedition, its members travelled to the café at the nearby Denbies Wine Estate for refreshments. Photographs and video clips were taken, and a short film of the expedition can be seen here.